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Analisis value chain system dan strategi pemasaran rumput laut di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara, Provinsi Maluku

dc.contributor.advisorSarma, Ma‟mun
dc.contributor.advisorLimbong, Wilson H
dc.contributor.authorNgabalin, Anna Maria
dc.description.abstractAnalysis of value chain system is a strategic analysis tool that is used to better understand the competitive advantage found in the activities of upstream to the downstream, from the nursery to the seaweed marketing process in Southeast Maluku district. The purpose of this researchs to study the system of seaweed products value chain in Southeast Maluku regency at present and analyze and determine the marketing strategy of seaweed products in Southeast Maluku regency to create efficient marketing processes. Primary data were obtained from direct observations and interviews with the operational activities of each value chain actors. Sampling was purposive sampling method, the number of respondents is 41 people. Data processing used to analysis of value chain system for the process from upstream to downstream, value added analysis to look at the technical factors that influence the production capacity, the amount of raw materials used and labor, while the factors that influence the market price of output, wage labor, and the input values are adjusted for margin trading system as well as a SWOT analysis to formulate marketing strategies seaweed production. Alternative marketing strategies are analyzed by using SWOT method with respect to any description of the expected value chain mapping that can improve the trading system that is more structured and commodity processing in each of the pilot areas is to maximize the impact of commodity. These results indicate that the main activity of which is the process of breeding, outbound logistics, marketing and sales as well as the stage, which is also supported by the infrastructure, human resources management, as well as technology development of seaweed. The analysis of value added of seaweed on fishermen Rp. 287.67, small traders Rp. 550 and large traders Rp. 850 SWOT analysis of the results obtained from the internal analysis of 2.474 weighted score and external analysis of the results of 2.634. The combination of internal and external factors shows the position of the object being studied is located in the space V of stability (keep and maintain) that offered a viable strategy for the stable position of the fishermen are able to do the activities and measures market penetration improving product development strategy to sustain and maintain the performance that has been achieved.en
dc.subjectValue addeden
dc.subjectvalue chain systemen
dc.subjectmarketing seaweeden
dc.titleAnalysis of Value Chain System And Marketing Strategy Seaweed In Southeast Maluku Regency, Maluku Provinceen
dc.titleAnalisis value chain system dan strategi pemasaran rumput laut di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara, Provinsi Maluku

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