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dc.contributor.advisorGinoga, Lin Nuriah
dc.contributor.advisorMasyud, Burhanudin
dc.description.abstractButterfly is a pollinator insect which has a beautiful form and color of wings that can be an attraction. Gunung Walat Education of Forest (GWEF) is an area that has a potential to support the life of butterfly. The aim of this research is to assess the diversity of butterfly species, to design a butterfly breeding to design tourism programs based on butterflies and also assess the feasibility of butterfly captivity busines at Gunung Walat Education Forest (GWEF). Method which is used in this research is Line Transect with the size of 20 x 20 m as much as 20 plot. This research found 412 individuals of 67 species of butterfly which belongs to 5 family in GWEF. Species that can be found in the six study sites is Cinitia iapis. This species also dominates in every type of research habitat. The butterfly captive breeding which is managed with intensive systems is needed to preserve GWEF butterfly. Two tour packages based on the butterfly that can be developed in GWEF are Butterfly finger and Butterfly park which can be choose by every age ranges.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectGunung Walat Education Foresten
dc.titleKeanekaragaman Kupu-kupu, Desain Penangkaran dan Pengembangannya Sebagai Objek Wisata di Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat Sukabumi.en

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