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dc.contributor.authorMiffatulani, Oktaviana
dc.description.abstractSince 2003, 49 Oriental Honey Buzzards (OHB) had been satellite tracked and 47% (23 raptors) have selected Borneo Island as their wintering habitat which is composed by core and edge habitat. The objective of this study are to identify the landscape characteristics of wintering habitat, to compare core and edge habitat characteristics, to compare landscape habitat characteristics in West and South Borneo, and to recommend the landscape management plan of OHB’s wintering habitat. Landscape habitat characteristics were analyzed both in core and edge habitat using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) combined with GIS and t-student test was used to compare the habitat characteristics both in West and South Borneo. The first ten principal components (PCs) and thirteen PCs were retained, which are explained by 77.737% and 78.027% of the data variance in landscape characteristics of core and edge habitats. The basic characteristic between that habitats were not found. According to the landscape characteristics comparison, both in core and edge habitat, a landscape management plan wasen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectmigration raptoren
dc.subjecthabitat characteristicsen
dc.subjectGeographic Information Systemen
dc.subjectedge habitaten
dc.subjectcore habitaten
dc.titlePengelolaan Lanskap Habitat Musim Dingin` Sikep Madu Asia (Pernis ptilorhyncus) Berbasis Data Satellite Tracking Di Kalimantan Tengahen

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