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Pengaruh Pemberian Bahan Pembenah Tanah dan Pupuk Cair terhadap Pembibitan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit pada Ultisol Jasinga

dc.contributor.advisorDjajakirana, Gunawan
dc.contributor.authorBobby Marshall, Bobby
dc.description.abstractThe soil ameliorant of Baode root is an useful microbe for improving the growth of plant. These microbes are classified into types of microbes that can produce PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) substances. The main microbe in Baode soil ameliorant is Bacillus laterosporus. In the soil, this bacteria is very useful to reduce the negative effects of pathogens. The Baode leaf is an organic compounds that contains the growth hormone, which are useful for increasing plant growth by regulating enzymes, improving photosynthesis, and reducing the negative impact of disease on plants. The liquid fertilizer of GD is an of organic compound which has 10% humic material. Humic material is a substance that can be extracted from various types of soil which contains C, N, and S elements higher than its origin material. This research aims to look to the influence of Baode soil ameliorant and GD liquid fertilizer to the oil palm plant nurseries. In this research there were seven treatment groups namely KT, BTSM, BTR, BTSMS, BTRS, GR, GRS. The doses of Baode soil root material was 2 g/l to immerse the seeds and pour directly into the soil and 1 g/l of Baode leaf to spray the leaf. The doses of GD liquid fertilizer was 2 ml/l to immerse the seeds and 1 ml/l to spray the leaf. The basic fertilizers were Urea 0.81 g/polybag, SP18 1.8 g/polybag, and technical KCl 0,4 g/polybag. The media that were used to plant were 11,52 kg/polybag (BKU) of Ultisol Jasinga with 208, 46 g/polybags compost and 42,4 g/polybags lime. The results from the analysis of covariance showed that the treatment from the Baode soil material and GD liquid fertilizer have a significant effect in some of the results that has been analyzed and the parameters that were observed in the field. On the 3 MAP (Month after Planting) yields of crops, BTRS and BTR treatments have the best growth, but when entering the age of 6 MAP the best treatments were found in GR, GRS, BTR, BTRS. The plant growth in the GR treatment practically the best if seen from its height, as seen from the early days of planting. The condition of plant roots during 3 MAP, KT treatment had the best 3 length of roots. This condition changed when the plants were 6 MAP, GRS treatment has the best length of root among other treatments. The highest value of total dry weight of plants at 3 MAP was in BTRS treatment that was 2,25 g/polybag, whereas in 6 MAP was in the GR treatment that was 19,57 g/polybag. The highest value of plant nutrient uptake at 3 MAP was the element of N, P and K contained in the BTRS treatment, while at 6 MAP found in GR treatments. The high values of absorption on these two treatments were because their values on the dry weight were high. This was caused by the effect of the growth hormone on leaf Baode soil material and GD liquid fertilizer and the influence of B. laterosporus that exists on the root Baode soil material and growth hormones and enzymes which was found on the Baode leaf material.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleThe Influence Soil Ameliorants and Liquid Fertilizer on the Oil Palm Nurseries on Ultisol Jasingaen
dc.titlePengaruh Pemberian Bahan Pembenah Tanah dan Pupuk Cair terhadap Pembibitan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit pada Ultisol Jasinga

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