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dc.contributor.advisorRuhendi, Surdiding
dc.contributor.authorFatrawana, Adesna
dc.description.abstractOil palm is the largest plantation commodity in Indonesia. The main product of oil palm processing is crude palm oil and palm kernel oil. The procesing of oil palm generated solid waste of empty fruit bunch that very potential as raw material for liquid adhesive because it contains lignocellulose components . However, when liquid adhesive was applicated in particle board manufacturing, the physical and mechanical properties of board was still below JIS A 5908:2003 standard. The purpose of this research is to get information about effect of adhesive level and fortification liquid adhesive with fenol formaldehyde in different levels to particle board quality including physical and mechanical properties of particle board. The research results show that physical and mechanical properties of particle board is still not fulfill the standard of JIS A 5908:2003, however, statistical analysis shows that the addition of fortifier gave significant influence to particle board quality.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectparticle board.en
dc.subjectpalm empty fruit bunchen
dc.subjectadhesive liquiden
dc.titleFortifikasi Likuida Tandan Kosong Sawit (Elaeis guinensis Jacq.) dengan Fenol Formaldehida dalam Pembuatan Papan Partikelen

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