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Kajian Tren Flavor Produk Pangan yang Diluncurkan di Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina dan Thailand Tahun 2006 - 2010

dc.contributor.advisorAndarwulan, Nuri
dc.contributor.advisorHariyadi, Purwiyatno
dc.contributor.authorSjahwil, Lisa Norisza
dc.description.abstractThe application of flavour in all products is mainly aimed at enhancing the human striving for increased pleasure and indulgence enjoyment. Hedonistic aspects, therefore, form the basis of flavour industry. Mega-trends of convenient, connectivity, comfort, sensory, individualism and health are adopted by consumer nowadays. These behaviors then drive food industries and indirectly require flavor industries to fulfill minimum one or at least several mega-trends criteria to have their products to be well accepted. The flavour business in Asia Pacific reached the 2nd largest market in the world. This study aims to review flavours trend of food products launched within big ASEAN countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand during 2006 – 2010 where market continues to grow. Materials used in this study were secondary data-subscribed at company PT. Givaudan Indonesia via Mintel, Euromonitor, Datamonitor and other literatures associated with socio-economic status, demographic factor, culinary information. Product launches had correlation with GDP. The correlation coefficient figures in descending order were 0.85, 0.84, 0.66, 0.54 respected to Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia, whereas overall R2 was 0.796. Five common food categories were non-alcoholic beverages, bakery, sauces and seasonings, snacks and dairy. There was a slight difference in each country, in example Indonesia with baby foods, Philippines with sugar and gum confectionary and Thailand with meals and meal centers. Flavor trends in non-alcoholic beverages were fruits and chocolate; bakery were chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and dairy such as cheese, milk and butter; sauces and seasonings were chili-pepper, soy sauce, tomato, barbeque; snacks were cheese, barbeque, spice/spicy and dairy were chocolate, strawberry, vanilla.en
dc.subjectProduct launchesen
dc.subjectcorrelation coefficienten
dc.subjectfood categoryen
dc.subjectflavours trenden
dc.titleStudy on flavours trend of food products launched in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand in 2006 – 2010,en
dc.titleKajian Tren Flavor Produk Pangan yang Diluncurkan di Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina dan Thailand Tahun 2006 - 2010

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