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Kajian lanskap budaya pertanian untuk pengembangan agrowisata di nagari pandai sikek kabupaten tanah datar, Sumatera Barat

dc.contributor.advisorArifin, Nurhayati HS.
dc.contributor.advisorMunandar, Aris
dc.description.abstractHighland agricultural landscape which is combined with its local culture unique properties such as the culture of Nagari Pandai Sikek, West Sumatra, is an interesting tourism object and attraction. However, the agrotourism development in that area has not been optimally planned. The characteristic of agricultural landscape of each area or Jorong, a part of nagari landscape unit, as a tourism object and the tourism supporting factors should be studied well. The objective of this study was to identify and analyze local landscape characteristic and its potency of tourism supporting factor in each Jorong of Nagari Pandai Sikek, then to propose the concept for agrotourism development. The landscape assesment scoring and comparison exponential method were used to determine the potency of each Jorong. The results showed that the Jorong Pagu-Pagu has the highest potency value of 3.51, Jorong Baruah, Jorong Tanjung, and Jorong Koto Tinggi has medium potency with its value 3.48, 3.46 and 3.43 respectively. Jorong Pagu-Pagu is highly potencial for its uniqueness and attractiveness as agrotourism object. Jorong Baruah, besides its high potencial for community acceptance and the availability of supporting facilities, it is also located in the main access to Padang and Bukit Tinggi. The concept proposed for agrotourism development is by enchancing the most potencial Jorong Pagu-pagu, and promoting tourism development in the second best object at Jorong Baruah, then developing Jorong Tanjung and Jorong Koto Tinggi as tourism supporting areas. The unique local characteristics should be preserved and the local community should be involved in tourism development.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectAgriculture Landscapeen
dc.subjectCultural Landscapeen
dc.titleAnalysis on agricultural landscape for agrotourism development at nagari pandai sikek, tanah datar district, West Sumatera Provinceen
dc.titleKajian lanskap budaya pertanian untuk pengembangan agrowisata di nagari pandai sikek kabupaten tanah datar, Sumatera Barat

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