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dc.contributor.advisorHusin, Abdul Djamil
dc.contributor.authorArdianto, Hadi
dc.description.abstractAt the previous research have investigated that the efficiency and heat distribution of furnace for husk rice and coconut shell fuels with bottom diameters of 6, 9 and 12 cms. The treatments are with and without using a plate. Efficiency of treatment using a plate for rice husk fuel with diameters of 6, 9 and 12 cms for coconut shell fuel respectively are 12.50%, 12.37%, and 11.77% and that respectively are 2.41%, 2.09%, and 2.66%. For efficiency of treatment that using a plate for rice husk fuel respectively are 7.76%, 6.37%, and 6.63% whereas for coconut shell are 1.53%, 1.64%, and 1.71%. The distribution of heat that occured the reservoir wall are analyzed by computing with lagrange interpolation method and to facilitate its use, determined the type of heat region on the resevoir wall that consists of the increasing temperatur heat region, the descreasing temperature heat region and the sub-region, so that it will produce function of heat distribution pattern for each regionen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectLagrange interpolationen
dc.subjectheat regionen
dc.subjectWall reservoiren
dc.titleOptimasi Tungku Berbahan Bakar Sekam Padi dan Tempurung Kelapa dan Analisis Termalen

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