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dc.contributor.advisorRisdiyanto, Idung
dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Sonni
dc.contributor.authorRati, Christina
dc.description.abstractAtmospheric Boundary Layer as the air layer directly affected by the earth’s surface where the surface effects (friction, heating and cooling) felt directly on a time scale less than a day. Case study in this paper is Serang. The data used is the radiosonde data. In describing the atmospheric boundary layer requires a parameter, such as the virtual potential temperature, mixing ratio, and wind speed. Sketch the pattern of vertical virtual potential temperature continued to rise during the day on SL layer, then decreased and more homogeneous in the ML layer, increased in tiitk CI with the result that CI is higher than the night, early morning, or late afternoon. Vertical profiles of Mixing ratio, maximum humidity during the day will continue to decline at the surface and in the lining of SL, when entering the ML layer, as the turbulence becomes homogeneous, and when it reaches the CI. Wind speeds in Region Attacking at night more than early morning (01.00) morning (at 07.00) and afternoon (13:00), it is because there is a strong influence of intense turbulence during the day.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectSuhu Potensial Virtual.en
dc.subjectAtmospheric Boundary Layeren
dc.titleAnalisis Karakteristik Parameter-Parameter Atmospheric Boundary Layer dengan Data Radiosonde (Studi Kasus : Kota Serang)en

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