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dc.contributor.advisorGinoga, Lin Nuriah
dc.contributor.advisorMasy’ud, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.authorNur, Nazmi Khairina
dc.description.abstractCommon palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) is a species that potential to produce tasteful and expensive luwak coffee. This potential cause the hunting of common palm civet by coffee farmers where if there is no effort on its cultivation it will lead to the decrease of population for this species. Common palm civet conservation efforts can be done through the ex-situ conservation by captivity. This research was conducted to study the captive management practices and daily activity in CV Kopi Luwak Indonesia so that it can be used as a reference in the easy management captivity of common palm civet The research was held in CV Kopi Luwak Indonesia captivity Pangalengan, Bandung in May, June and October 2012. The data and information collected covers (1) the technical aspects of captivity, including seed, cage, feed, reproduction, health were obtained by field observations, measurement and interviews; (2) consumption and palatability arabica coffee was obtained by field observation and measurement; (3) the daily activities was obtained by focal animal sampling method; and (4) utilization of captive breedings obtained by field observations and interviews. CV Kopi Luwak Indonesia captivity managed with the intensive system and developed with the core and plasma system. Technical captivity of common palm civet in CV Kopi Luwak Indonesia covering (a) seed; seeds from capture in nature with the age of two years (b) cage; there are two kinds of cage which are main and quarantine cage (c) feed; kinds of feed which was given to common palm civet are banana, chicken, arabica coffee, a mixture of carrots, papaya, eel, catfish, and goldfish; (d) reproduction; the captivity have not successful in breeding; (e) health; types of disease/disorder suffered were wormy and stress. Health management was done by cage cleansing, health checking, vaccine, vitamins and medicine giving. The average amount of consumption of arabica coffee is 306 grams/individuals/day. Common palm civet prefer large and maroon arabica coffee small and red ones with the palatability values 30%. Most activities of both individual common palm civet male or female were feeding activities. Total production of luwak coffee in green bean form from CV Kopi Luwak Indonesia Captivity is 60 kg/month. The profits earned from the production of luwak coffee is Rp 40.709.500/month.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectcommon palm civeten
dc.subjectdaily activityen
dc.titleManajemen Penangkaran dan Aktivitas Harian Musang Luwak (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus, Pallas 1977) di Penangkaran CV Kopi Luwak Indonesia Pangalengan, Bandungen

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