Gambaran Diferensial Leukosit Anak Domba yang Dilahirkan oleh Induk dengan Perlakuan Superovulasi sebelum Perkawinan
Superovulation is the increase in the number of ovulating follicles. The research was conducted to determine the effect of superovulation and litter size on total and differential of leukocyte in lambs born to superovulated ewes before mating. The data of the research were drawn from 18 lambs with body weight ranging from 3 to 4 kg from 12 ewes. Twelve ewes with body weight ranging from 20 to 25 kg were assigned into a randomized design with 2×2 factorial arrangement. The first factor was superovulation and the second factor was litter size. Estrous cycle was synchronized by injection of PGF2α 10 mg/sheep twice at 11 days intervals. Superovulation was induced by injection of PMSG 100 IU/sheep. The ewes showing estrous sign were then mated naturally. Futher, sheep were pregnant and gave birth 18 lambs. The blood samples were drawn from 1 day old lambs. Parameters measured in this research were total of leukocyte and percentage of neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil, lymphocyte, and monocyte in the new born lambs. Data were analyzed using a General Linear Model. The result showed that superovulation of the ewes prior to mating increased leukocyte, but did not affect neutrophil and ratio N/L in lambs from superovulated ewes. From this study it can be concluded that superovulation of the ewes prior to mating increased the immunity of the lambs, while superovulation or litter size did not affect stress on lamb