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dc.contributor.advisorWijayanto, Nurheni
dc.contributor.authorArdana, Wira Ary
dc.description.abstractMechanism of changes of CO2 in the atmosphere trigger the changes in global temperature (global warming or global cooling). This condition requires a forest management toward utilization of forest services. Forests are no longer functioning as a timber but rather serves as a carbon sink in the atmosphere. The role of forest management seen important in helping to absorb carbon, so that it should be needed have a research on the measurement of the alleged of carbon content on the fast-growing plants on the Afrika wood species in a variety of cropping patterns in Megamendung Forest. This research aims to study the Content of Carbon above Ground on Wooden Stand of Afrika ((M. eminii) on a Variety of Cropping Patterns and the factors which affecting the carbon content. Collection of data biomass on wooden stand of Afrika using a non-destructive method, while the undergrowth plants using a destructive methods. The data were analyzed using the Microsoft excel. The value of C in Afrika wood depending on the growth activity to produce the biomass weight. The largest C values found on land with monoculture cropping pattern. Afrika wood on monoculture cropping pattern showed the greatest individual value of C compared with Afrika wood on mixed cropping and agroforestry in the amount of 0,02357 ton/ind. The factors of high canopy density affects the activity of the Afrika wood growth in the formation of biomass and content of C. Plant spacing and cropping pattern as well as maintenance activities affect content of C in the Afrika wood biomass.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectMaesopsis eminiien
dc.subjectContent of Cen
dc.titlePendugaan Kandungan Karbon Tegakan Kayu Afrika (Maesopsis eminii) Pada Berbagai Pola Tanamanen

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