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dc.contributor.advisorPuspaningsih, Nining
dc.contributor.authorAmalia, Gina
dc.description.abstractThe utilization of forest by Forest Concessions (HPH) or now known as The Forest Utilization License Timber-Forest Nature (IUPHHK-HA) brings many benefits but it also brings a downside for the Indonesian forestry. This activity has increased economic and regional development, but also lead to greater rates of deforestation and forest degradation as well. In general degradation that occurs in production forests result in damage or reduction of productive forest area to total forest area that will affect productivity. The negative impact of deforestation and degradation can be minimized through the efforts of a fast and efficient monitoring using remote sensing. Digital imagery or remote sensing data is one of the data to analyze the surface of the earth. Ministry of Forestry using Landsat imagery as one tool in monitoring the condition of Indonesia's forests. Landsat multi-time combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) facilitate the monitoring process. Both long-term monitoring and short-term monitoring can be controlled so that the rate of deforestation. This study aims to identify land cover classes as well as changes in the PT. Austral Byna in 1997, 2005 and 2012, and calculate the rate of degradation and reforestation arising from the use of forests in the periode of observations. The experiment was conducted in two phases, field phase in April-May 2012 in PT. Austral Byna, and image processing in June to November 2012 in the Laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS Department of Forest Management Fahutan IPB. The data used are Landsat TM and ETM+ 30 m resolution coverage in 1997, 2005 and 2012 as well as other supporting digital maps. The tools used in the form of PC with the software ArcView 3.2, ArcGIS 9.1, Erdas 9.1, GPS, Camera and stationery. The result showed that successfully classified land cover both digital and visual consists of forests, fields, bushes, farm, vacant land and clouds. Degradation of the highest in 1997, 2005 and 2012 occurred in the class turned into a forest shrubs. While reforestation occurred in the highest class of the field and forest shrubs that turned into a forest.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectThematic changeen
dc.subjectLand coveren
dc.subjectLandsat imageryen
dc.titleIdentifikasi Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Menggunakan Citra Landsat Multiwaktu dan Teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di IUPHHK-HA PT. Austral Byna Kalimantan Tengahen

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