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Kelayakan dan Strategi Pengembangan Supply Chain Management Sayuran Organik Berbasis Petani di Megamendung, Bogor (Studi Kasus pada Kelompok Tani Tunas Tani, Desa Sukaresmi)

dc.contributor.advisorHubeis, H. Musa
dc.contributor.advisorSunarti, Euis
dc.contributor.authorOryzanti, Parwa
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study are (1) assess the simple feasibility of an organic vegetable farming based farmers in Megamendung seen from the financial aspects, (2) to describe and analyze the characteristics of organic vegetable-based farmers, and potentially high added value for farmers and (3) formulate strategic supply chain management (SCM) products based organic vegetable farmer in Megamendung, Bogor. The datas were collected by field surveys method, interviews with the chairman and members of farmer groups (Poktan), relevant agencies (BP3K and District of Megamendung), retail and consumers. The method of analysis used the matrix of External Factor Evaluation (EFE) and Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE); Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) and to determine the feasibility used Break Even Point (BEP) and Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C Ratio) analysis. Matrix analysis Internal External (IE) shows the value of the internal matrix and external matrix values are 2.448 and 2.720. Poktan positioned in quadrant V (hold and maintain). Farmer groups that fit into this quadrant should be managed with a strategy on market penetration and product development while maintaining product quality. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, there are some alternatives that can be done. Based on QSP matrix most interesting strategy is increasing effectiveness of the supply chain to market structured through Agribusiness Sub Terminal-based organic vegetable (5.448). Analysis for supporting SCM strategies done with the feasibility of farming both organic and conventional. Results of the analysis for organic farming in spinach, caisim, carrots, tomatoes and turnips obtained value of R/C ratio are 2,33; 2,61; 3,31; 3,61 and 3,11 (more than 1), which means feasible. In the development of this farm is also taken into account the risk of damage. Damage to vegetable farming can be caused by weather, climate uncertainty and plant diseases and pests other crop failure. Organic farming more favorable views of the value of R/C ratio if it’s compared to conventional one. The rate of R/C ratio on conventional vegetable for the spinach, caisim, carrots, tomatoes and turnips of 1,36; 1,55; 1,59; 2,15 and 1,89 (more than 1). The value indicates that conventional farming had to be developed. However, when compared to organic systems, still less provide added value. What distinguishes value between organic and conventional farming such as the selling price.en
dc.subjectGroup of farmeren
dc.subjectsupply chainen
dc.subjectorganic vegetablesen
dc.titleFeasibility and Development Strategy Supply Chain Management Based Organic Vegetable Farmers in Megamendung, Bogor (Case study at Tunas Tani Farmer Group, Sukaresmi).en
dc.titleKelayakan dan Strategi Pengembangan Supply Chain Management Sayuran Organik Berbasis Petani di Megamendung, Bogor (Studi Kasus pada Kelompok Tani Tunas Tani, Desa Sukaresmi)

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