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Interaksi Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) Betina dengan Individu Lain dan Hubungannya Profil Metabolit Glukokortikoid di Stasiun Penelitian Orangutan Tuanan, Kalimantan Tengah

dc.contributor.advisorSupriatna, Iman
dc.contributor.advisorAgil, Muhammad
dc.contributor.advisorAtmoko, Sri Suci Utami
dc.contributor.authorMardianah, Neneng
dc.description.abstractBornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) is one of the endemic primates the status of endangered according to the IUCN and was listed on Appendix I of CITES. Population declined caused by destruction, habitat decreased, and illegal arrests. The research of orangutans had been conducted mainly in primary forest, but still slightly research on of social behavior in orangutans located in secondary forest. Stasiun Penelitian Orangutan Tuanan (SPOT) is the orangutans habitat were included in the category of secondary forest and having a degraded was quite high so that easier to fire during the dry season. Orangutans is a frugivore animals and highly sensitive to the changes of habitat conditions. Habitat destruction massively affects the changes of social behavior of orangutans. Reduced range area increase in the occasion encounter between individuals increasingly higher, whereas the orangutans are a semisolitary social system. Social behavior of orangutans is only visible when the parenting and social reproduction. The level of stress hormones in non-primate animals highly influenced by environmental factors such as climate, the presence of other individuals, reproductive status and social status. At the time of social relationships, there will be increase in reproductive interactions with other individuals. The female of orangutans very considerate of the individual status of the male, who became her partner. The differences of male bimaturism morphological making a competition increasingly higher between flanged adult males and unflanged to get a female reproductive. It will effects a female to feels threatened. The threats continuously, will effects of excessive stress. Stress is a physiological response of the body to adjust the environmental changes or threats. The detection method of stress hormone levels in this study was to used a non-invansif with feces collected each morning by homogenising all the layers of feces. Furthermore, another method used was the method of recording behavior that is focal animal sampling which is done by instantaneous every single individual within 5-10 days of the observation period. The recording of social reproduction data was by ad libitum sampling. The recording of female individuals reactions data comprises the number of long call and chance encounter. Data of chance encounters comprises an encounter intervals between individual a female reproductive and non-reproductive with female individuals are related, individual of flanged adult males, individual of unflanged adult males. In addition, female individuals encounter distance data in the pairwise relations (consortship) with individual adult males males unflanged. The intervals used were <2m, 2-10m and 10-50m and recording of the sexual copulation behavior. Behavioral data were correlated with levels of glucocorticoid hormones as indicators of stress hormones. v Based on observations it can be expressed that the difference of reproductive status and social status on the females individual affects the response female individuals towards the number of long call and distance encounter with another individual. The response of female reproductive nullipara and nonreproductive long call pairwise relations gives a respond to ignore Kondor (44.4%), Kerry (38.9%), Milo and Mindy (5.7%). Individual response of female reproductive nullipara and non-reproductive againts the number of long call in pairwise relations response to ignore Kondor (44.4%), Kerry (38.9%), Milo and Mindy (5.7%). Whereas beyond of the pairwise relations female nullipara responded positively to the long call Kondor (15.385) and Milo (7.692%). Of all the female non-reproductive gives a response to ignore the long call. Most of the encounter distance between female non-reproductive in a range 10-50m (84%), between the female reproductive at 2-10m (54.878%) and between female reproductive and non-reproductive at 2-10m (41.176%). Female reproductives doing an encounter, with unflanged adult males generally in the range 2-10m (69.293%), while female non-reproductive in a range 10-50m (33.155%). The encounter between female reproductive with flanged adult males generally at a distance of 10-50m with a percentage of 38.357% while the non-reproductive females with a distance of 10-50m at 48.951%. During the pairwise relations between individual female reproductive with unflanged adult male tends to within 2-10m with a percentage of 66.457%, while the females non-reproductive at a distance of 10-50m (58.155%). Copulation between female reproductive with flanged adult males by a passive copulation with a percentage (50%) and 50% for active. Copulation between female nullipara with unflanged adult male or flanged by a passive copulation 75%, 12,5% active and 12,5% for coercion. Category copulation between females non-reproductive to adult males or adult males flanged or unflanged all in the passive. A second study of the glucocorticoid hormone which is one indicator of stress. The study was conducted on female individuals with a reproductive status there were a reproductive, nullipara and non-reproductive. Sampling was conducted during ten months with a non-invansif then proceed with the laboratory analysis. Based on the results of this study is known that individual differences in female reproductive status affects a level of the 11β-hydroxyetiocholanolone hormone, were detected after 48 hours in the orangutan feces. The individuals female reproductive (Jinak) doing an encounter with unflanged adult males. When there was no interaction with other individuals the levels of Glucocorticoid hormones of Jinak is 436.465 ng / g (n=2) and the levels of glucocorticoid hormone after interaction with adult males unflanged increased to 839.39 ng / g (n=2). In addition, there are two females individual nullipara who observed they are Milo and Kondor. The stress hormone levels of Milo decrease after interacting with individuals unflanged male. Glucocorticoid hormone levels before interaction was 451.58 ng / g (n=6) and after the party dropped to 408.83 ng / g (n=3). In contrast, in individuals Kondor there was an increase levels of glucocorticoid hormones after interaction, a levels hormone before interaction was 440.57 ng / g (n=9) and after the interaction increased to 454.54 ng / g (n=33). The individual female Non-reproductive which interact with other individuals are Mindy, Kerry and June. Kerry is female individuals who have children aged 3 years old and had a higher levels of glucocorticoid hormones before interaction vi was 291.87 ng / g (n=3), but after interaction increased to 634.75 ng / g (n=5). The encounter between June with unflanged adult males glucocorticoids caused by hormonal changes, the leveles of glucocorticoid hormones before the interaction was 267.70 ng / g (n=12) and after interaction increased to 347.50 ng / g (n=2). Mindy has a different pattern after the interaction with adult males, a levels of glucocorticoid hormones before interaction was 470.53 ng / g (n = 5) and after interaction decreased to 380.89 ng / g (n = 3). Based on the results that have been obtainedthat the method of noninvansif through feces turns out that we can know the profile of glucocorticoid hormones as indicators of stress. It was found that 11β-hydroxyetiocholanolone a glucocorticoid hormone can be detected in the orangutans feces. Both of these studies concluded that the reproductive status and social status affects the interaction and interval of encounter between individuals. The correlation between the interaction with other individuals to increase the glucocorticoid hormone 11β- hydroxyetiocholanolone.en
dc.subjectPongo pygmaeus wurmbiien
dc.titleInteractions of female Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) with other individuals and Its relationship with Glucocorticoid Metabolite Profiles In Orangutans Research Station in Tuanan, Central Kalimantan.en
dc.titleInteraksi Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) Betina dengan Individu Lain dan Hubungannya Profil Metabolit Glukokortikoid di Stasiun Penelitian Orangutan Tuanan, Kalimantan Tengah

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