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Strategi Pengembangan Pendidikan Menengah dan Partisipasi Stakeholder di Kabupaten Bangka Pasca Pemekaran Wilayah

dc.contributor.advisorRustiadi, Ernan
dc.contributor.advisorNasdian, Fredian Tonny
dc.contributor.authorSubari, Hari
dc.description.abstractBangka regency is one of the administratif areas in the Province of Bangka Belitung island and becomes four regency with one old district and three new districts after the regional proliferation process in 2003. Now, Bangka regency is in processing to increase the secondary education because gross enrollment rate is 82.29 percent and the national target of gross enrollment rate for secondary education in 2020 is 97 percent. This research was aimed to study secondary educational development and stakeholder participation aftermath regional proliferation in Bangka regency: 1) to analyze the factors that will affect the gross enrollment rate of secondary education, 2) to analyze the participation rate of stakeholder in the developmental of secondary education, and 3) to formulate the strategy for development of secondary education. The analysis methods used in this study were: regression analysis of panel data, descriptive analysis such as objective discussion, reflective, interpretative and decisions, analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The results showed that the gross enrollment rate was influenced by the the number of secondary education age population, the number of the classrooms secondary education, and the land area of district. Based on eight stars Arstein, the overall participation rate of stakeholders was included in the partnership level. This meant that there was a mutual agreement for sharing the responsibility and the same perception between the stakeholders in the planning and decision-making for the development of education. The views of stakeholders in the development of secondary education in Bangka regency assess the provision of funds is much more important than the increased participation of stakeholder and public participation. Furthermore, the development of teaching staff and facilities assessed far more important than the development of the state apparatus.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjecteducational developmenten
dc.subjectsecondary educationen
dc.subjectgross enrollment rateen
dc.subjectstakeholder participationen
dc.subjectBangka regency and regional proliferationen
dc.titleThe Strategy of Secondary Educational Development and Stakeholder Participation in Bangka Regency after Regional Proliferation.en
dc.titleStrategi Pengembangan Pendidikan Menengah dan Partisipasi Stakeholder di Kabupaten Bangka Pasca Pemekaran Wilayah

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