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dc.contributor.advisorEffendy, Sobri
dc.contributor.authorAprihatmoko, Ferdy
dc.description.abstractThe presence of green open space in urban area is very important in influencing the condition of human comfort. The objective of this research is to analyse the relationship of green open space to air temperature and human comfort in Yogyakarta. The method used in determining the comfort index is the Temperature Humidity Index (THI) which combines the factor of air temperature and relative humidity. The calculated THI value is obtained from four green open space categories and they are point green open space, line green open space, area green open space, and non-green open space. The result obtained from this research showed that the air temperature in green open space is lower than the air temperature in non-green open space. Green open space has a positive effect in lowering air temperature so the place with the green open space gives more comfortable conditions than the place with non-green open space. The place with more green open space will have lower air temperature and give more comfortable condition. Based on this research, Yogyakarta is included in partly uncomfortable category so addition of green open space is needed.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectsuhu udara.en
dc.subjectthermal comforten
dc.subjecttemperature humidity indexen
dc.subjectruang terbuka hijauen
dc.titleAnalisis Hubungan antara Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) dan Indeks Kenyamanan (Studi kasus: Kota Yogyakarta)en

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