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Penggunaan Teori Knowledge Graph untuk Merangkum Teks Berbahasa Indonesia

dc.contributor.advisorNurdiati, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorRanum, Farida
dc.contributor.authorOktantrika, Dewi Wulandari
dc.description.abstractA terminology may have many descriptions from different interpretation. Various descriptions of the terminology could result on an ambiguity of knowing the meaning of the terminology (interpretation). For that matter there is a need to combine and summarize all those descriptions into one concise meaning. Knowledge graph method can be use for such a case. Knowledge graph is a new method in Natural Language Processing (NLP). By using knowledge graph method, those many descriptions can be made into many description graphs and then can be combined into one graph describing the meaning of the terminology. The result of this research is a summary ofa terminology that have many description and a slllllmarization rules that can be used generally for other terminology in Indonesian languageen
dc.subjectknowledge graphen
dc.subjectnatural language processingen
dc.titleKnowledge Graph Theory to Summaries Indonesian Teks.en
dc.titlePenggunaan Teori Knowledge Graph untuk Merangkum Teks Berbahasa Indonesia

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