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dc.contributor.advisorBudiaman, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorMuhtariana, Devi
dc.description.abstractAlong with increasing population and the needs of any wood, both for the needs of buildings manufacture, furniture, or exported also increase. This requires the utilization of wood more efficiently and effectively, due to declining of forest production in Indonesia, which subsequently resulted in less availability of raw materials, including the teak. Recently research on the teak is focused on the improvement of tissue culture technique, genetic improvement, improvement of tree quality, and thinning. Meanwhile, research on utilization rate of the wood waste of clear cutting of teak is rarely done. The research was conducted at 70C sub-compartment in RPH Panggung BKPH Dagangan KPH Madiun. The number of tree samples is 48 trees. Tree sample was felled during logging operation in the field. All of clear cutting 48 trees sample result was quantified, both commercial and non-commercial logs. The total volume of 48 trees sample felled was 116,43 m³ with average volume per tree is 2,43 m³. The round wood comes mostly from the main stem (67,85%), upper stem (16,44%), branches and twigs (2,10%), a short cut (4,67% ), small assortment (5,94%), and stump (3,00%). Total volume of commercial was 100,59 m³ with an average volume of 2,09 m³ per tree. Commercial woods were from the main stem 67,85%, upper stem of 16,44%, and branches of 2,10%. On average, each tree produced 11 logs KBK, 6 logs KBS, and 7 logs KBB. The total volume of waste wood from 48 trees sample was 15,84 m³, or an average per tree was 0,33 m3. Based on its origin, waste wood volumes of stump is 3,49 m³ (22,05%), the volume of short cut from the main stem is 0,47 m3 (2,42%), upper stem at 0,49 m³ (2,57%), branches of 4.48 m³ (23.28%), and small assortment of 6,91 m³ (35,96%). Wood recovery factor of clear cutting age class VII is 86,39% and the residue factor is 13,61%.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectwaste wooden
dc.subjectclear cuttingen
dc.titleKuantifikasi Kayu Sisa Penebangan Habis Jati di RPH Panggung BKPH Dagangan KPH Madiun Perum Perhutani Unit II Jawa Timuren

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