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dc.contributor.advisorHero, Yulius
dc.contributor.authorAnggraini, Ade
dc.description.abstractPine resin is one of non timber forest products that utilized in Indonesia. The demand of pine resin in Indonesian industry has been increased every year. Therefore, the need for an effort to increased the productivity of pine resin. Gunung Walat Educational Forest (GWEF) is one of educational forest that producing pine resin in Indonesia. Amount of pine resin production in diHPGW increased every year, so needs to be reviewed of tapping treatment that can be incresed the tappers productivity. Respondent taken by cencus method with the number of respondents are 25 people. The respondents is selected from tapper of pine resin that still active in tapping of pine resin in HPGW. Processing of data was done by descriptive and presentation of data are carried out by tabulating and graphing. The result of lead is made by monthly lead cumulative and sorted based on time of use tapping treatment. The tapping treatment are used that working motivation, employment contract, wage rates and results of research. Based on this research showed that treatment that give more effect to increase the leads of pine resin in HPGW are working motivation and results of research. Increase the leads of pine resin because working motivation treatment is 317 kg/month. This is due to the span time that used is longer and the working motivation treatment are tapper’s favourite. The tapper’s perception to tapping treatment that most to increase the leads of pine resin is results of research as 36,8%. Because of short period that used, can make leads of pine resin higher as 203,97 kg/month. Moreover, applicate the result of research didn’t have negative impact so tapper very liked it.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectGunung Walat Educational Forest(GWEF)en
dc.subjectTappers productivityen
dc.subjectTapping innovation treatmenten
dc.subjectPine resin tappingen
dc.titlePengaruh Perlakuan Inovasi Penyadapan Getah Pinus terhadap Produktivitas Penyadap (Kasus : Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat).en

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