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dc.contributor.advisorGinoga, Lin Nuriah
dc.contributor.advisorMasyud, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.authorWidiastuty, Rahayu
dc.description.abstractThe butterfly is the one of a beautiful insect in the world that serve as the symbol of beauty. The potensial which butterlies have used as an object of scientific research, souvenirs, collectibles, and developed into a tourist attraction that has high appeal and bring in foreign exchange. One of the efforts to enhance productivity by producing generation with a unique color pattern that interesting then performed hybridization to butterflies. In Indonesia hybridization of butterflies were new and rarely performed by breeders of butterflies. Kupu-kupu Taman Lestari Ltd. is on of the companies that have done hybridization. The principle of hybridization is to produce derivatives (hybrid) with the appearance or character better than parental. In hybridization of butterfly, the expected character is a hybrid morphological appearance better than parental, both quantitative and qualitative views. This study is aimed to asses the maintenance management of butterfly hybridization, it examine and hybridization success rate of butterflies in the Kupu-Kupu Taman Lestari Ltd. Tabanan, Bali, and to analyze morphological differences in the hybrid with parental. This research was conducted at the Kupu-Kupu Taman Lestari Ltd. Tabanan, Bali in April-July 2012. Butterflies are hybridization in the research are the species O.priamus male and O.croesus female, aech amounted to two individuals. In a research conducted test analysis T-Student of the size of the butterly’s body. Based on the research, maintenance management butterfly hybridization using a semi-intensive system consists of maintenance of egg, larva, pupa, and health care. There are three stages in the preparation phase hybridization is the intersection, crossing implementation, and monitoring cross. The succes rate of the average crossing at 43.01% and can be classified in the category of moderate (30-49%). Appearance the general morphology, a hybrid males have a style that is similar to O.priamus male and color similar to O.croesus male. At the same time the hybrid females have style similar to O.priamus female and color similar to O.croesus female. Based on the T-Student test calculation it can be concluded that the morphology of a butterfly berween elders with a hybrid was significanly different.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleManajemen Pemeliharaan dan Persilangan Kupu-Kupu Ornithoptera priamus dengan Ornithoptera croesus di Penangkaran (Studi Kasus di PT Kupu-Kupu Taman Lestari Tabanan, Bali)en

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