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Model SEIRS pada penyakit chikungunya

dc.contributor.advisorBakhtiar, Toni
dc.contributor.advisorKusnanto, Ali
dc.description.abstractChikungunya is a disease caused by the chikungunya virus. It is spread to human through the bites of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. A SEIRS-LSEI model is proposed to formulate the dynamic of chikungunya disease from mosquito to human. SEIRS-LSEI model of chikungunya has four equilibrium points, i.e. two disease free and two endemic points. The stability of those points are determined according to the eigen values of Jacobi matrix. The existence of the disease are controlled by the basic reproduction number In this thesis, the dynamical analysis of interaction between human and mosquito is given by some illustrative examples. We consider two policies in controlling mosquito population, i.e. spraying and using antimosquito lotion. Mosquito spraying will increase the parameter of mosquito mortality, while spraying antimosquito lotion will decrease the parameter of average daily biting. The dynamics of the disease is mainly determined by the intensity of interaction of human susceptible with infected mosquito. Simulation results confirm that, if the rate of mosquito mortality increases by spraying, then the population of infected human decreases, such that the population of suscepted human increases. The same situation happens when the average daily biting of infected mosquito decreases by lotion usage. . If the number is less than one, then the disease can be removed from the population. On the other hand, if theen
dc.subjectSEIRS-LSEI Modelen
dc.subjecthuman-mosquito interactionen
dc.subjectbasic reproduction numberen
dc.titleOn the SEIRS-LSEI Model of Chikungunyaen
dc.titleModel SEIRS pada penyakit chikungunya

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