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Faktor-Faktor Yang Membentuk Intensi Berwirausaha Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perilaku Dan Kinerja Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Kota Bogor

dc.contributor.advisorSarma, Ma’mun
dc.contributor.advisorH. Limbong, Wilson
dc.contributor.authorMulyana, Mumuh
dc.description.abstractStreet Vendors are a form of informal sector in people economy. The rapid growth of street vendors gives a contribution to the region economy such as labour opportunity. The objectives of this study takes are: to identify the street vendors’ characteristics, to analyze relation between street vendors’ characteristics and entrepreneurial intention, to identify and to analyze factors that establishing the entrepreneurial intention, to analyze the relation between entrepreneurial intention and street vendors’ performance, and to analyze the relation between entrepreneurial intention and street vendors’ entrepreneurial behavior. The data were obtained from the questionnaire distributed to 122 respondents. The data were analyzed using partial least square with SmartPLS Software. In the analysis of the initial model, it was obtained eleven indicators which less than 0,50. The repairs of the model carried out by executing the eleven indicators. The result of the analysis are (1) the majority of the Street Vendors are male, aged under 40 years, junior high school graduated, came from Bogor, member of family less than 4 peoples, never worked, untrained, capital less than IDR 3 milion, experienced more than 10 years, operating for 6.5-9 hours per day, his own business, and brutto’s income between IDR 250,000 to IDR 500,000; (2) the Street Vendors’ Characteristics unrelated with the Entrepreneurial Intention; (3) Demography factor and External Environmental are have insignificant positive effect to Entrepreneurial Intention, but Personality factor is have significant positive effect to entrepreneurial intention; (4) the Entrepreneurial Intention is have insignificant positive effect to entrepreneurial performance but significant positive to entrepreneurial behavior. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the goodness of fit of the model, further research both productivity and market share using the model should be conducted.en
dc.subjectentrepreneurial intentionen
dc.subjectentrepreneurial performanceen
dc.subjectentrepreneurial behavioren
dc.subjectstreet vendorsen
dc.subjectpartial least squaresen
dc.titleFactors Establishing the Entrepreneurial Intentions and Its Effects to Behavior and Performance of the Street Vendros in Bogor Cityen
dc.titleFaktor-Faktor Yang Membentuk Intensi Berwirausaha Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perilaku Dan Kinerja Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Kota Bogor

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