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Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Penilaian Kinerja Terhadap Motivasi Dan Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada Hotel Pangrango 2 Bogor

dc.contributor.advisorS. Hubeis, Aida Vitayala
dc.contributor.advisorIrwanto, Abdul Kohar
dc.contributor.authorHarahap, Martina
dc.description.abstractPangrango 2 Hotel is a private company involved in industry. In order to face the tight competition among other hotels and to be able to survive in the industry the management of Pangrango 2 Hotel Should be concerned in improving its facilitas and service . Therefore, human resources play a very important role. The objectives of this study are, (1) to analyse the evaluation method of workers performance used in Pangrango 2 Hotel, (2) to analyse the effect of this evaluation towords the motivation in working, (3) to analyse the impact of motivation toword the productivity of the employees, and (4) to recommend formulas that can be implemented by the company to increase the motivation and productivity of the workers. The methodology used in this study is sensus technique or total sampling, in which all employees whom total are 133 are decided as the respondents. The data analysis was held with Structur Equatiom Modeling (SEM) by using Linear Structur Relationship (LISREL) software version 8.30. The study showed that the collected data are reolevant to the implemented theories. It is clearly showed in output index of LISREL which gave certain figures of parameter e.g. CChi-Square, Leverage level, Probability index, and RSMEA. The output also showed that the evaluation of workers performance significantly influenced the motivation of the employees with t_score 36.50 > 1.96. On the other hand, the place where the evaluation were conducted did not give a clear impact toward the motivation with t-score 1.76 < 1.96. The content of evaluation was negatively effected the motivation with t-score -8.31 < 1.96. Meanwhile, the motivation showed a positive influence towards the productivity of the workers with t-score 6.74 > 1.96. This result explained that the evaluation method that has been used in the company in the workers, expectation. Therefore the management of Pangrango 2 Hotel should make an improvement in this sector, so that the employees will be satisfied.en
dc.subjectperformance evalutionen
dc.subjectHotel Pangrango2< Structur Equation Modeling (SEM)en
dc.subjectLISREL 8.30.en
dc.titlePermormace Evalution Analysis of Factors Influence on Employees Motivation and Productivity in the Hotel Pangrango 2 Bogoren
dc.titleAnalisis Pengaruh Faktor Penilaian Kinerja Terhadap Motivasi Dan Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada Hotel Pangrango 2 Bogor

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