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Keanekaragaman Spesies Burung dan Amfibi Pada Lanskap Didominasi Manusia di Wilayah Bogor

dc.contributor.advisorMardiastuti, Ani
dc.contributor.advisorKusrini, Mirza Dikari
dc.contributor.authorKurnia, Insan
dc.description.abstractHuman dominated lanscape (HDL) become alternative to conserve biodiversity as the part was integrated with protected natural landscape. Birds and amphibians were chosen as indicator because of their sensitivity towards habitat change. This research aimed to analyze structure and composition of birds and amphibian community, relationship between birds and amphibian community, and relationship of both taxon with area. Bird sampling was taken using IPA method, whereas sample of amphibians were taken using transect. Survey were carried out in six habitat in Bogor which consist of nature forest, mixed forest plantation, monoculture forest plantation, seasonal garden, paddyfield and housing complex. Total observation of birds was 557 hours (5013 points) and amphibian was 424 hours (1693 transects). Total encounter for all locations was 100 birds species (individu~1 mean 5731.6) and 16 amphibian species (individual mean 1478.3). Cave-Swiftlet Collocalia lin chi and Scalybreasted Munia Lonchura punctulata is dominant birds. Marsh Frog Fejervarya Iimnocharis is dominant for five habitat, except the housing was dominated Asian Toad Buto melanostictus. All stages of successional HDL had highly similar both bird and amphibian assemblages. MUlti-dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis resulted three clusters based on similarity of both birds and amphibian. Bird correlation with amphibian was significant for all location (r=0.69). Amphibian with area was significant for all location «r=0.92) and for housing habitat (r=O.68).en
dc.subjecthuman dominated landscapeen
dc.titleDiversity of Birds and Amphibian in Human Dominated Lanscape in Bogoren
dc.titleKeanekaragaman Spesies Burung dan Amfibi Pada Lanskap Didominasi Manusia di Wilayah Bogor

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