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Pengaruh pemberian pangan dengan indeks glikemik berbeda terhadap stres oksidatif dan performa daya tahan lari 5 km pada atlet mahasiswa

dc.contributor.advisorRiyadi, Hadi
dc.contributor.advisorSulaeman, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorWelis, Wilda
dc.description.abstractThe Effects of Feeding with Different Glycemic Indexes on the Oxidative Stress and Endurance Performance of the College Athletes Running 5 km.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectglycemic indexen
dc.subjectendurance performanceen
dc.subjectblood glucoseen
dc.subjectinsulin serumen
dc.subjectoxidative stressen
dc.titleThe effects of feeding with different glycemic indexes on the oxidative stress and endurance performance of the college athletes running 5 kmen
dc.titlePengaruh pemberian pangan dengan indeks glikemik berbeda terhadap stres oksidatif dan performa daya tahan lari 5 km pada atlet mahasiswa

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