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dc.contributor.advisorEstuningsih, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorSubangkit, Mawar
dc.contributor.authorRachim, Mutia
dc.description.abstractBlack cumin or Nigella sativa is a species plant belonging to the herb medicine that are people commonly used all over the world. This research aims is to study the benefits of black cumin extract on broiler respiratory organs. A total of 100 chicks (day old chick / DOC) were used in this study and were divided into 3 groups. K is a virus control group vaccinated with ND and IBD viruses; Group A is a group of broilers vaccinated with IBD, ND and AI and treated extract of black cumin; Group B is the group of broilers vaccinated ND and IBD virus and treated extract of black cumin. Black cumin gave every day for 6 weeks through the oral route. The chicken were then taken randomly 3 heads of each group every 3 week to be sacrificed later by necropsy and organ samples were collected, fixed in a solution of Buffered Neutral Formalin (BNF) 10%. Organ samples were then processed into histopathology preparations stained with Haematoxylin Eosin (HE). The parameters include the percentage of observations on tracheal ciliary epithelial integrity, epithelial cell integrity, goblet cell number and the number of inflammatory cells beneath tracheal submucosa. The parameters in the lung were the number of inflammatory cells is in the lung tissue, the number, area and density of BALT. The results showed that administration of black cumin or Nigella sativa indicate regenerate the percentage of cilia integrity, epithelial cells integrity, inflammatory cells tracheal sub mucosa, also causes a decrease in the number of inflammatory cells in the lung tissue, decreased the number, area and density of BALT. This result indicates that black cumin able to repair damaged tissue and serves as trigger for immune system of chickenen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectNigella sativaen
dc.titleStudi Histopatologi Manfaat Ekstrak Jintan Hitam (Nigella sativa) pada Organ Pernafasan Ayam Broileren

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