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dc.contributor.advisorEstuningsih, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorSubangkit, Mawar
dc.contributor.authorHadyanti, Intan Junita Tri
dc.description.abstractBlack cumin or Nigella sativa is a plant belonging to herbal medicine which is famous in the world. The research was conducted to study the histopathological changes of digestive organs (proventriculus, ventriculus, duodenum, and pancreas) in broiler chickens after administration of N. sativa. A total of 100 chickens (one day old chick / DOC) were divided into 3 treatment groups, namely control (K) group, vaccinated ND, and vaccinated IBD; group A vaccination with ND, IBD, AI virus and treated by extracts N. sativa; group B given ND, IBD virus vaccine, and extracts N. sativa. Extracts N. sativa was given for 5 weeks every day with the oral administration route. Every week since the second week up to sixth week chickens drawn at randomly to be analyzed histopathological, chicken were necropsied and organ samples were collected for a later fixed with Neutral Buffered Formalin (BNF) 10% and processed into histopathology slides stained with Haematoxylin Eosin (HE). The results showed that the extract of N. sativa reduced number of inflammatory cells in proventriculus; decrease of ventriculus koilin thickening while decreasing the number of inflammatory cells of ventriculus; increased the percentage of intact epithelium, increasing the number and extensive of intestinal villi; and increasing the number of bowel crypts; increase the number active acinar of pancreas and increase the body weight. This result indicate that extracts of N. sativa has the protective potency on gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens and reduce the number of the inflammatory cells.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectN. sativaen
dc.subjectventriculus histopathologyen
dc.subjectproventriculus histopathologyen
dc.subjectpancreas histopathologyen
dc.subjectduodenum histopathologyen
dc.subjectbroiler chickenen
dc.titleStudi Histopatologi Manfaat Ekstrak Jintan Hitam (Nigella sativa) pada Organ Pencernaan Ayam Broileren

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