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dc.contributor.advisorRustiadi, Ernan
dc.contributor.advisorIman, La Ode Syamsul
dc.contributor.authorLufitayanti, Tutuk
dc.description.abstractJabodetabek is the greatest metropolitan region and the most dynamic region in Indonesia where economic growth is accompanied by a hight rate of demand for housing and other urban facilities. Spatial planning in this region is characterized by inconsistencies that occur between land use/cover, spatial plan as well as land capability. Inconsistencies also occur due to RTR that a lack of attention to environmental carrying capacity, especially land capability. The purposes of this study are: (1) to analyze the land use Jabodetabek in 2010, (2) to evaluate the inconsistencies between land use in 2010 againts the allotment of land according to Jabodetabekpunjur Region Spatial Plan (RTR), President Decree no. 54 year 2008, (3) to evaluate incompatibility of land use in 2010 to land capability, and (4) to evaluate the incompatibility of the allotment of land according to Jabodetabekpunjur Region Spatial Plan (RTR) to land capability criterias. The method of this research is using a combination of overlayed maps in accordance with the parameters and analyzed descriptively. The result showed that there are 11 types of land use of Jabodetabek in 2010 with the largest land use is land use for rice irrigated of 169.156,5 Ha or 26,45%, then settlement area of 157.728,5 Ha or 24,66%. Area of land use that is inconsistent with land allotment of RTR Region of 65.286,0 Ha or 10,21%. The greatest inconsistency on land allotment is occurred in allotment for B-4/HP zone (allotment for B-4 zone that ascertained as fixed production forest sphere or confined production forest sphere according to law regulation), while the land use wich most inconsistent is grove/shrubs. Land use that is not compatible to land capability are 134.874,9 Ha (21,09%) with the greatest incompatibility of land capability are on the land class III and the land use with greatest incompatibility is settlement area. The land allotment of RTR Region that is not compatible to land capability are in wide of 145.657,5 Ha (22,77%). Land capability class with the highest of inconsistency rate are the land classes III and II, while the largest allotment of lands that is not compatible with land capability are occured on allotment for B-2 zone (moderate density settlement) and B-1 zone (hight density settlement).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectland capabilityen
dc.subjectspatial planningen
dc.subjectspatial plan inconsistencyen
dc.subjectLand suitability evaluationen
dc.titleAnalisis Inkonsistensi Penggunaan Lahan terhadap Rencana Tata Ruang Kawasan dan Kemampuan Lahan (Studi Kasus Jabodetabek)en

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