Fishing grounds dynamics of purse seine fisheries in the java sea
Although information about fishing ground dynamics is very important to learn about the development of fishery, research on the dynamics of fishing ground is still rarely conducted. This study explains the fishing ground dynamics of purse seine in the Java Sea. The objective of this research was to study the fishing ground development of purse seine based in Pekalongan Nusantara Fishing Port. A series of data for the periods of 2002-2007 were collected by Research Institute for Marine Fisheries concerning the information on the months for fishing, boat names, boat size (gross tonnesnage) , fishing ground, and catch composition. The results showed that the operation of seiners was not determined by a fish catching season since seiners could be found in any season in the fishing ground. During the west monsoon season and intermonsoon season I, the concentration of the seiners Pekalongan was in the waters of Lumu-Lumu, Lari-Larian, and Kota Baru (Makassar Straits). During the east monsoon season the seiners were concentrated in the waters of Pejantan Island, Natuna, Midai, Tarempa, Tambelan (South China Sea), and during the intermonsoon season II, they were concentrated in the waters around Masalima Island.