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dc.contributor.advisorPulunggono, Heru Bagus
dc.contributor.advisorDjuniwati, Sri
dc.description.abstractSweet corn is seed plant which is commonly planted in Indonesia because of it's sweet taste and contain high carbohydrate. One of the problems in cultivation of sweet corn is low soil fertility, due to the lack of soil nutrient availability and organic matter. To solve that problem can be done by applying organic and anorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizer is able to increase chemical fertilizer efficiency through improving of physical, chemical and biological of soil. So it is expected to increase the production of plant significantly. The objective of this research is to study the effectiveness of organic fertilizers that was combined with inorganic fertilizer on the growth, production, and N, P, K content of sweet corn leaf in Latosol Darmaga. The field experiment was conducted at the University Farm IPB and plant analisis in the laboratory of soil chemistry and fertility, Department of soil science and Land Resources Faculty of Agriculture IPB. The materials used were organic fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, seeds of sweet corn (Seleksi Darmaga III), furadan, and agricultural lime. The design of the experiment was a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with a single treatment consisted of 7 treatments which was repeated 3 times each, so there were 21 experimental units. Those seven treatments were: (1) control, (2) Standard (S), (3) 0.5 S + 1.5 PO, (4) 0.5 S + 1 PO, (5) 0.75 S + 1 PO, (6) 1 S + 1 PO and (7) 0.75 S + 1.5 PO. The parameters measured were plant height, production (corn cobs weight including the cornhusk and stover weight), and N-, P-, K-content of corn leaf. The results of this research showed that additional of organic fertilizer with inorganic fertilizer was effective in improving the growth, production, and N, P, K content of sweet corn leaf. The production for treatment 1 S + 1 PO was 14.31 t/ha greater (2.37 t/ha) than standard treatment, and 11.81 t/ha greater than control treatment (no fertilizer application).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectnutrient contenten
dc.subjectsweet cornen
dc.subjectorganic fertilizeren
dc.subjectnutrient contenten
dc.subjectinorganic fertilizeren
dc.titleEfektivitas Pupuk Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi, dan Kadar Hara NPK Daun Jagung Manis di Latosol Darmagaen

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