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dc.contributor.authorAndryana, Tiara Sartika
dc.description.abstractJakarta is a metropolitan city that plays an important role in urban development. As the center of the city, urban development has increased with the increasing of buildings and office buildings as places for businesses and economic activities. Moreover, the entertainment center and residential area such as hotels and apartment buildings began to grow rapidly, leaving limited open space area and green areas. It takes a strategy in the utilization efficiency of construction building and effectiveness for a variety of needs in an area that is well integrated. Mixed-use development is a strategy that blends a combination of residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or industrial uses, where those functions are physically and functionally integrated, and that provides pedestrian connections. The concept of mixed-use has been widely applied in many big city in America and Europe. Mixed-use nowadays began to developed in Jakarta, especially in residential complex area. The benefits of mixed-use development include: reduced distances between housing, workplaces, retail businesses, and other amenities and destinations, walkable, bike-able neighborhoods, increased accessibility via transit, both resulting in reduced transportation costs, more compact development, land-use synergy stronger neighborhood character, sense of place etc. Oemardi_zain (OZ) is one of the landscape consultant that based on landscape planning and designing in Indonesia. The scope of landscape design covers landscape hotel, club, resort, residential, theme park, civic,dan comercial park. Internship activities conducted on one project design of Gallery West that used the concept of mixed-use in its buildings development. With a total area of ± 20.400 m² with area landscape design includes entrance area and gateway, roof garden, green connector and pool courtyard corridor, and terrace. Through several of following designing landscape process during the internship, student can learns implementing design process in landscape project, improving skills and ability in analyzing and designing in the studio. The internship involves active participation, interview with employees, direct observations on site, and literature study. The result of the internship is to learn the project implementation procedures, organizational structure of OZ, division of works, design process include: project acceptance, documentation and agreement research and analysis, concept, design development and detail constructions.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectmixed-use developmenten
dc.subjectlandscape design processen
dc.subjectGallery Westen
dc.titleProses Perancangan Lanskap Kompleks Gallery West, Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta Baraten

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