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Provision of vaccine effectiveness against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis common carp (Cyprinus carpio L) at different temperatures of media

dc.contributor.advisorKusumorini, Nastiti
dc.contributor.advisorManalu, Wasmen
dc.contributor.advisorAffandi, Ridwan
dc.contributor.authorSyawal, Henni
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this study were to assess the physiological and haematological responses of fish due to different water temperatures, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (ich) infection, and vaccination with ich theront stadia. The research was conducted in three stages. The first stage was designed to determine the temperature range that could cause stress in fish and had potency to cause ich infection. In the second stage, fish was infected with ich. The last stage was carried out to investigate the effect of vaccination. Physiological changes in fish from each stage were determined. The results of the first stage showed that cortisol levels at 20, 24, and 28⁰C and glucose levels at 24 and 28oC increased until 21st day. Fish that was kept at 24oC had the lowest survival rate (87±3.35%) and fish that was kept at 32oC had the highest survival rate (100%). In the second stage, infected fish at 20oC was under great stress, which was characterized by the increase in cortisol levels by 51.38% on 3rd day, increase in glucose levels by 60.93%, decrease in osmolarity by 18.40%, decrease lymphocytes percentage by 16.44%, and the lowest survival rate (58.11±2.16%). The damage that was affected by I. multifiliis could be seen by the presence of hypercellular, many goblet cells, and infiltration of lymphocytes cells. Lastly, vaccination caused the decrease in cortisol levels and increase in glucose levels until 14th day. The prevalence of I. multifiliis in the vaccinated fish decreased with the increase in temperature, and I. multifiliis prevalence at 20⁰C was 80.03±10.00% and at 28⁰C was 0%, and the highest survival rate was obtained at 28⁰C (100%).en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectCyprinus carpioen
dc.subjectIchthyophthirius multifiliisen
dc.titleEfektivitas pemberian Vaksin Ichthyophthirius multifiliis terhadap ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio L) pada suhu media pemeliharaan yang berbedaen
dc.titleProvision of vaccine effectiveness against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis common carp (Cyprinus carpio L) at different temperatures of media

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