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Model of management of capture fisheries area in Banten Bay

dc.contributor.advisorSimbolon, Domu
dc.contributor.advisorWiyono, Eko Sri
dc.contributor.advisorPurbayanto, Ari
dc.contributor.authorErnaningsih, Dwi
dc.description.abstractBanten Bay is area which quite rapid development for many activities. Industrial waste disposal, domestic, over fishing, coral exploitation, reclamation, vessel traffic, and environmental damage, cause interest multi sector conflict in managing sea area. General objective of the research is to create model of management of sustainable capture fisheries area in Banten Bay. The specific objectives are to (1) determine utilization status and development prospect of capture fisheries; (2) determine leading commodity; (3) determine environmentally friendly fishing gears, (4) establish utilization zone; (5) arrange policy strategy in managing capture fisheries; and (6) simulate of model of management of capture fisheries. Evaluating utilization status and development prospect of capture fisheries was conducted using surplus production method with bionomic model. Determination of leading commodity was conducted with LQ value, IS, and descriptive method. Environmental and sustainable fishing gear was analyzed using CCRF criteria with scoring method approach. Zoning of capture fisheries area utilization was conducted by GIS. Management strategy of capture fisheries area was conducted with SWOT and AHP. Simulate of model of management of capture fisheries was conducted with LGP and model simulation of sustainable fish resources and salary fisherman. The result showed that utilization status and development prospect of capture fisheries in Banten Bay can still be developed for 9 species from 23 species. Squid, anchovy, and crab were commodities with high comparative advantages. Hand line, boat lift net, and gillnet were environmentally fishing gears. Zoning of Banten Bay utilization are consist of aquaculture, recreation, conservation, capture fisheries, fishing port, and industrial zone. Zone of capture fisheries was composed base on fishing ground eligibility indicator, suitability of fishing gear with fishing ground, minimum of conflict potency, availability of infrastructure, and environmental carrying capacity. Capture fisheries zone is divided into three zones, that are (i) passive zone, (ii) passive and outboard fishing boat zone, (iii) active and inboard fishing boat zone. Based on LGP analysis, maximum catch was 1.747,259 ton/year, alocation for fishing gear of gillnet, danish seine net, set lift net, boat lift net, boat seine, hand line, guiding barrier trap, and monofilament gillnet were 3, 11, 11, 6, 2, 5, 0 and 0 unit, respectively. The proposed strategy in managing Banten Bay area were (1) utilization strategic location of Banten Bay with optimalization leading commodity for providing fish demand; (2) taking advantage of high availability of human resources and fisherman concern to manage capture fisheries area; (3) utilization local government support and regional autonomy to make policy in structuring and expansion of fishing area and involving coastal communities in the management. Model of management of capture fisheries area in Banten Bay can be increase of salary fisherman as much as 25% from first scenario and take care of sustainable fish resources the periode of time 18 years.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectcapture fisheriesen
dc.subjectBanten Bayen
dc.titleModel pengelolaan kawasan perikanan tangkap di Teluk Bantenid
dc.titleModel of management of capture fisheries area in Banten Bayen

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