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dc.contributor.advisorMasy’ud, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.advisorGinoga, Lin Nuriah
dc.contributor.authorYunanti, Belinda Dwi
dc.description.abstractBali starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) is an endemic species of Bali Island which needed to be preserved. It’s population in the nature had decreased that the species stated as rare and endangered. It had been include in the criticaly endangered category of the Red Data Book and also included in the Appendix 1 CITES. The condition required conservation efforts. Captivity bread in ex-situ conservation. Was one of the effort to conserve bali starling. Mega Bird and Orchid Farm (MBOF) was one of the captive breeding effort which succeed in breeding bali starling. Calculation of inbreeding coefficient should be done forward bali starling bred in the farm in order to maintain it’s genetic purity. Morphological measurement should also be done to identify inbreeding pressure. Research was held in Mega Bird and Orchid Farm (MBOF) on June until October 2011. The data type used was consisted of primary and secondary data. The data of techniques captive breeding was analyzed descriptive and quantitative analysis, inbreeding coefficient was quantitative analysis. Analysis using t-student test was also employed in compary body size of female and male bali starling, The test was conducted using SPSS 16.0. Descriptive analysis was also conducted compary data of body size in this research with data in previous research and qualitative morfological characteristic of bali starling. Captive breeding of bali starling in MBOF began in 1996 with three pairs of bali Starling origineted from Safari Park I Cisarua Bogor, from the bird seller and the bird lovers. There were 91 individual of bali starling up to Oktober 2011. The kind of cage in MBOF consisted of display cage, maintenance cage, reproduction cage and incubator. The feed given to the bali Starling were banana, voer, crickets, and kroto (ant’s egg). The average number of highest consumption was crickets 15.18 g/tail/day and the palatability of 59.22 %. Each individual of bali starling in MBOF needed 11.48% protein and1909.0 kcal/day. Types of diseases that had attacted in the bali Starling MBOF were cataracts, smallpox on foot, flu (influenza) and sore eyes. Percentage and criteria captive breeding success of bali starling were high egg hatching rate (66.66%), moderate mortality (33.33%) and reproduction level high (63.88%) . The analysis of inbreeding coefficient should a result of 0 value, which ment that there was not any occurrence of inbreeding. However, there was a possibility of helf sibling marriage with inbreeding coefficient value of 0.25. There was not any significant different between quantitatif morphological characteristic of the male and female body size. There was any significant difference between the data of morfological characterstic current research the previous once conducted by Masy’ud (1992) and Helvoort et al. (1985) which ment that there had not been any inbreeding pressure to bali starling in MBOF.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectcaptive breedingen
dc.subjectinbreeding coefficienten
dc.subjectbali starlingen
dc.titleTeknik penangkaran dan analisis koefisien inbreeding pada jalak bali (Leucopsar rothschildi) di Mega Bird and Orchid Farm (MBOF), Bogor, Jawa Baraten

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