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Gambaran Histopatologi Organ Hati dan Ginjal Ayam Broiler yang Ditantang Virus Avian Influenza setelah Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Adas Bintang (Illicium verum)

dc.contributor.advisorWinarsih, Wiwin
dc.contributor.advisorSetiyono, Agus
dc.contributor.authorSekaringtyas, Rizki
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research were to study the potency of star anise and histopathology of chicken’s liver and kidney that were challenged by Avian Influenza virus subtype H5N1 after treatment with star anise (Illicium verum). The research used broiler that were divided into four groups: included K1 (positive control) that were challenged by Avian Influenza virus, K2 (negative control) that were without any treatment, P1 that were challenged by virus H5N1 and extract treatment, and P2 were the group that treated by extract star anise. Chicken was fed by extract star anise from 7 to 28 days age and were challenged by H5N1 virus intranasal with dose 104 EID50/0,1 ml/chicken. Statistical analysis using Kruskal Wallis’s test then continued by Dunn’s test showed significantly different (p<0,05) between K1 with K2, P1, and P2 for liver and showed between K1 with K2 and P2 in kidney. According to mortality rate, star anise in single treatment showed capability to reduce mortality rate 37,5%. Histopathological finding of both organ showed lesions such as congestion, degeneration, hemorrhage, infiltration of inflammatory cells, and necrosis. Treatment with star anise extract decrease lesion compare among group that were challenged by virus H5N1 and extract treatment with negative control group.en
dc.subjectStar Anise (Illicium verum)en
dc.titleGambaran Histopatologi Organ Hati dan Ginjal yang Ditantang Virus Avian Influenza setelah Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Adas Bintang (Illicium verum)en
dc.titleGambaran Histopatologi Organ Hati dan Ginjal Ayam Broiler yang Ditantang Virus Avian Influenza setelah Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Adas Bintang (Illicium verum)

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