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Evaluasi Status Fisiologi Pengaruh Anestesi Per Injeksi Dan Per Inhalasi Dalam Rangka Operasi Penanaman Implan Tulang Sintetis Pada Domba (Ovies aries)

dc.contributor.advisorAbdullah, Dudung
dc.contributor.authorPutra, Raditya Pradana
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to observe the effect of injection and inhalation anasthetical method, such as, the value of oxygen saturation, heart frequency, respiratory frequency and body temperature in sheeps model during the synthetical bone implant surgery. Injection and inhalation anaesthetical methods were used in this experiment. The local sheep (Ovies aries), as an animal model, was used and prepared indoor for experiment adaptation. The method of this research was divided into two methods: 1) The first treatment group P1 was consisted of two sheeps and they were anaesthetical (per injection) using xylazine hydrochloride 2% with a dose of sheep 0.1 – 0.2 mg/kg by intramuscular (IM) and 0.1 mg/kg by intravena (IV), 2) The second treatment group P2 was consisted of two sheeps and they were anaesthetical (per inhalation) using isoflurane 1.5% - 3% with a fresh-gas flow rate 25 ml/kg. The results showed that there are some differential values, especially the injection anaesthetical route and inhalation anaesthetical route oxygen saturation, heart frequency, respiratory frequency and body temperature. It can be concluded that isoflurane as an inhalation anaesthetical route is better than xylazine as an injection anaesthetical route.en
dc.subjectinjection, inhalationen
dc.titlePhysiological Status Evaluation of Injection and Inhalation Routes Anaesthetical Effects In Synthetical Bone Implant Surgery Period on Sheep (Ovies aries).en
dc.titleEvaluasi Status Fisiologi Pengaruh Anestesi Per Injeksi Dan Per Inhalasi Dalam Rangka Operasi Penanaman Implan Tulang Sintetis Pada Domba (Ovies aries)

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