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Karakteristik Aliran Darah Katup Atrio-Ventrikular Dinilai dengan Pulsed wave Doppler Echocardiography di Anjing Kampung Normal (Canis lupus familiaris).

dc.contributor.advisorNoviana, Deni
dc.contributor.authorWijayanti, Marina
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to determine blood flow characteristics at the atrio-ventricular valve i.e. mitral and tricuspid valves in normal mongrel Indonesian dog using transthoracic pulsed wave Doppler (PWD) echocardiography. The study was conducted in eight adult dogs consisting of three males and five females with an average age of 3.5 years, and average weight 12 kg. Transthoracic PWD echocardiography examination were performed on dogs in a conscious state/unsedated and the animal's position in right lateral recumbency. The instrument used is an ultrasound device (Sonoscape SSI-1000) and convex type transducer with small footprint scanner of 3.7-5.0 MHz frequency. Seven parameters of PWD measured were heart rate/HR, velocity annulus/Va, velocity ejection/Ve, velocity time integral/VTI, mean pressure gradient/MPG, pulsatility index/PI, and ratio systole-diastole or S/D. Based on the measurement of seven parameters in both atrio-ventricular valves showed that in general the blood flow characteristics values of the mitral valve were higher than tricuspid valves (P> 0.05). While the female dogs have a higher value when compared with male dog (P>0.05).en
dc.subjectblood flowen
dc.subjectpulsed wave Doppler (PWD).en
dc.titleBlood Flow Characteristics on Atrio-ventricular Valve as Assessed by Pulsed Wave Doppler Echocardiography in Normal Mongrel Indonesian Dog.en
dc.titleKarakteristik Aliran Darah Katup Atrio-Ventrikular Dinilai dengan Pulsed wave Doppler Echocardiography di Anjing Kampung Normal (Canis lupus familiaris).

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