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Analisis Fenomena Perubahan Iklim Mikro Terhadap Penghasilan Nelayan di Rembang Jawa Tengah

dc.contributor.advisorHidayat, Aceng
dc.contributor.advisorIsmail, Ahyar
dc.contributor.authorMoh. Rogib
dc.description.abstractSarang and Kragan are sub districts of Rembang’s city as central production sea fishery at the central Java province. This research has purposed to identification parameter micro climate for last 10 years, this is analysis connection between result of catching fish and parameter climate change. And then analysis economy activity which have connection with parameter climate change, such as level of welfare fisherman and support sub region of Sarang and Kragan districts. Climate change global has effect against climate change local at Rembang. Result of coefficient regression shows that rain intensity and speedy wind has effect against catching fish so to reduce fisherman income and welfare fisherman from 2001 until 2010. This result show has happed deficit of natural resources at Sarang and Kragan sub districts. Exchange rate fisherman 2001-2010 did reducing. The value of Exchange rate fisherman 2001 up 1 and 2010 under 1, it means acceptance fisherman’s family has not had capable of giving all of need subsistence’s. And support of environment 46.756 people have ecological footprint value 7.899 ha/capita, while biocapacity 3.118 ha/capita. Comparison ecological footprint (EF) and Biocapacity (BC) are looked that EF>BC.en
dc.subjectClimate Changeen
dc.subjectExchange Rate Fishermanen
dc.subjectEcological Footprinten
dc.titleAnalysis of Micro Climate Change Phenomena to the fisherman income at Rembang, Central Javaen
dc.titleAnalisis Fenomena Perubahan Iklim Mikro Terhadap Penghasilan Nelayan di Rembang Jawa Tengah

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