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Perubahan kondisi lingkungan dan pertumbuhan semai ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz) akibat keterbukaan areal pada hutan rawa gambut di IUPHHK-HA PT. Diamond Raya Timber, Provinsi Riau

dc.contributor.advisorSuwarna, Ujang
dc.contributor.authorRusvadilla, Ifani
dc.description.abstractPeat swamp forests is one of the forest type that has a specific and fragile ecosystem with the land that is rich in organic materials, so it needed proper management to achieve production and ecological sustainability. This research was purpose to measure the area of peat swamp forest that are open due to harvesting activity, analyze the factors that influenced by the openness of the area include the growth of ramin, physical properties if soils, water table, temperature, humidity and analyze the factors that influence the growth of ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz) such as physical properties of soil, peat depth, temperature and humidity. The openness of land due to harvesting is expected to recover by making efforts to replant the area. Data analysis was carried out trough the descriptive and statistic analysis. Descriptive analysis by doing reading tables and images while statistic analysis using microsoft office excel 2007 software, Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) 9.1 trough Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and Minitab 15 by principal component analysis (RKU). PT. Diamond raya timber has exercised the harvesting of a forest to the principle of sustainability, one applies the theory of forest opening at the beginning stages of harvesting. The Purpose is to decrease high levels of openness to the harvesting, besides that PWH can also reduce the damage to the forest live and the reduce cost of harvesting. Harvesting activities can cause openess of the area, that means logging trees, building a skid road and seling road, and the road making TPn and manufacture of road transport of wood. The openness of the total harvesting is due to 3.728,75 m2/ha. Openness area in manual plots is 1.712, 90 m2/ha, in mechanical plots 1.415,85 m2/ha, and road transport of wood 600 m2/ha. Openess the area in mechanical plots can be higher if take into account the openess of area due to maneuver logfisher equal to 1000 m2/ha or as much as 70,6 %.en
dc.description.abstractHutan rawa gambut merupakan salah satu tipe hutan yang memiliki ekosistem spesifik dan rapuh dengan habitat lahan yang kaya akan bahan organik, sehingga diperlukan pengelolaan yang baik dan hati-hati untuk mencapai kelestarian produksi dan ekologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur luas hutan rawa gambut yang terbuka akibat kegiatan pemanenan, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang dipengaruhi oleh keterbukaan areal meliputi pertumbuhan semai ramin, sifat fisik tanah, tinggi muka air (TMA) serta suhu dan kelembaban dan menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan semai ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz) antara lain sifat fisik tanah, ketebalan gambut, serta suhu dan kelembaban. Keterbukaan lahan akibat pemanenan diharapkan pulih kembali dengan melakukan upaya penanaman kembali lahan tersebut. Analisis data dilakukan melalui analisis deskriptif dan analisis statistik. Analisis deskriptif dengan melakukan pembacaan tabel dan gambar sedangkan analisis statistik dengan menggunakan Microsoft office excel 2007, software Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) 9.1 melalui metode Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) dan Minitab 15 dengan analisis Komponen Utama (RKU). PT. Diamond Raya Timber telah melaksanakan pemanenan hutan yang sesuai dengan prinsip kelestarian hutan, salah satunya menerapkan teori Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan (PWH) pada bagian awal tahap pemanenan. Kegiatan pemanenan dapat menimbulkan keterbukaan areal, dalam hal ini meliputi penebangan pohon, pembuatan jalan sarad dan jalan seling, pembuatan TPn dan pembuatan jalan angkutan kayu. Keterbukaan areal total akibat pemanenan adalah 3.728,75 m2/ha, keterbukaan di petak manual 1.712, 90 m2/ha, di petak mekanis 1.415,85 m2/ha dan jalan angkut 600 m2/ha. Luas keterbukaan areal pada petak mekanis dapat lebih tinggi jika memperhitungkan keterbukaan areal akibat manuver logfisher sebesar 1000 m2/ha atau sebesar 70,6%.
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectthe peat swamp forestsen
dc.subjectthe openness of the areaen
dc.titleChange of enviromental conditions and growth of ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz) seedlings due land clearance on peat swamp forest IUPHHK PT. Diamond Raya Timber, Riau Provinceen
dc.titlePerubahan kondisi lingkungan dan pertumbuhan semai ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz) akibat keterbukaan areal pada hutan rawa gambut di IUPHHK-HA PT. Diamond Raya Timber, Provinsi Riau

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