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dc.contributor.advisorFebrianto, Fauzi
dc.contributor.advisorKarlinasari, Lina
dc.contributor.authorAngin, Desi Erita Perangin
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION. Bamboo has been used as raw material for construction, furniture, paper, composite boards including bamboo oriented strand board (BOSB) and others. In order to reduce production cost in manufacturing BOSB, phenol formaldehyde (PF) resin was used in this research. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of BOSB prepared from various bamboo species and resin content. MATERIALS AND METHOD. Strands were prepared from tali bamboo (Gigantochloa apus (J.A & J.H. Schultes) Kurz) and hitam bamboo (Gigantocholoa atroviolacea Widjaja). The strands were dried in oven at a temperature of 60 °C to reach the moisture content (MC) around 5%. Commercial phenol formaldehyde (PF) resin was used in amount of 6%, 8% and 10%. Paraffin was used in amount of 1%. The geometry strand, physical properties (i.e., density, MC, water absorption (WA), and thickness swelling (TS)), mechanical properties (i.e., modulus of elasticity static (MOEs), modulus of rupture (MOR), internal bond (IB), and screw holding power (SHP)) were evaluated. Nondestructive test (NDT) of stress wave velocity (SWV) and MOE dynamic (MOEd) parameter was also evaluated. The results were also compared with CSA 0437.0 (grade O-2) standard for OSB. RESULT. The average value of slenderness ratio of tali and hitam bamboo strands were 75.24 and 67.74, respectively. The average value of aspect ratio of tali and hitam bamboo strands was 3.6 and 3.44, respectively. Physical and mechanical propertes of BOSB were much affected by bamboo species and resin content. BOSB prepared from tali bamboo strands showed better physical and mechanical properties compared to BOSB prepared from hitam bamboo strands. The higher the resin content applied resulted in the better the physical and mechanical properties of BOSB. Based on NDT (i.e., sound waves) the best relationship was achieved by SWV-MOEs parallel to the grain direction, MOEd- MOR and MOEd-MOEs from parallel and perpendicular to the grain direction (95% confidence level). BOSB made from tali bamboo strands with 10% PF resin content had excellent physical and mechanical properties. All the parameters measured fulfilled the requirement of CSA 0437.0 (grade 0-2) standard for OSB.en
dc.description.abstractBambu sudah dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku konstruksi, furniture, kertas, papan komposit, termasuk papan OSB bambu dan lain-lain. Perekat fenol formaldehida (PF) digunakan pada penelitian ini dalam rangka untuk menurunkan biaya produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sifat fisis-mekanis OSB, menentukan OSB terbaik dari dua jenis bambu dan tiga kadar perekat dan menduga sifat mekanis lentur OSB bambu dengan melihat hubungan SWV (stress wave velocity) dan MOEd (modulus of elasticity dinamyc) dengan MOEs (modulus of elasticity static) dan MOR (modulus of rupture). Bambu yang digunakan adalah tali (Gigantochloa apus (J.A & J.H. Schultes) Kurz) dan hitam (Gigantocholoa atroviolacea Widjaja). Strand-strand dikeringkan di dalam oven pada suhu 60 oC sampai mencapai kadar air (KA) sekitar 5%. Kadar perekat fenol formaldehida yang digunakan yaitu 6%, 8% dan 10% dan penambahan parafin sebanyak 1%. Pengujian yang dilakukan antara lain geometri strand, sifat fisis (kerapatan, kadar air, daya serap air, dan pengembangan tebal) dan sifat mekanis (modulus elastisitas statis (MOEs), modulus patah (MOR), internal bond (IB), dan pegang kuat sekrup (KPS)). Metode pengujian nondestruktif (NDT) juga dilakukan untuk menduga nilai stress wave velocity (SWV) dan modulus elastisitas dinamis (MOEd). Standar yang digunakan yaitu CSA 0437.0 (grade 0-2) untuk oriented strand board (OSB).
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectBamboo oriented strand board (BOSB)en
dc.subjecttali bambooen
dc.subjecthitam bambooen
dc.subjectphenol formaldehydeen
dc.subjectresin contenten
dc.titleSifat Fisis dan Mekanis Bambu Oriented Strand Board (BOSB) pada Berbagai Jenis Bambu dan Kadar Perekaten

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