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Kerusakan Bangunan Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Kota Bogor

dc.contributor.advisorNandika, Dodi
dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Ade Rahmah
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION. Quality education could not be separated from the availability and quality of school buildings. However, some field surveys indicates that many school buildings are damaged. In 2009/2010, the Ministry of National Education recorded that 347,998 units (39.08%) of elementary school classrooms (SD) were slightly damaged and heavily damaged. Meanwhile, scientific information regarding the characteristics of school building damages in Indonesia, including the city of Bogor, is very limited. A study was conducted to determine the performance of elementary school buildings in Bogor, focussing on the frequency and intensity of building damages as well as damage types and their causing factors. METHODS. Thirty six elementary school (SD) in Bogor were selected as school samples based on three stages stratified random sampling. Observation was conducted on each school sample to determine types and causes of buildings damages. The school buildings reliability was analysed using cross-tabulation to determine the correlation between the age of the building and the frequency of maintenance of the school buildings. RESULT AND DISCUSSION. The results showed that the majority (83.33%) of elementary school buildings in Bogor suffered from minor damage, while the rest are medium damaged (11.11%) and sound (5, 56%). Types of damages which most commonly found are cracked / broken (70%), followed by decay (50%), termite attacks (50%), discoloration (20%) and leakage (10%). Building components that relatively durable are the foundation (6%) and poles / columns (17%). The frequency of building maintenance is greatly affecting the school building reliability. In contrast, the age of the school buildings do not significantly affecting the the school building reliability. In this regard, the monitoring of the school building damage periodically by the Department of Education needs to be increased. Correspondingly data base on the condition of school buildings in the city of Bogor need to be developed. In addition, it was time to do the training for principals on the identification of damage to school buildings. Through these activities are expected to awareness and knowledge of the principals of the importance of monitoring damage to increased of .school buildings.en
dc.description.abstractPenyelenggaraan pendidikan yang berkualitas tidak terlepas dari ketersediaan dan kualitas bangunan sekolah sebagai sarana utama pendidikan. Di pihak lain kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak bangunan gedung sekolah yang mengalami kerusakan. Pada tahun 2009/2010, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional mencatat jumlah ruang kelas Sekolah Dasar (SD) yang rusak ringan dan rusak berat mencapai 347.998 unit (39,08%). Sementara itu, informasi ilmiah tentang karakteristik kerusakan bangunan sekolah di Indonesia, termasuk Kota Bogor, masih sangat terbatas. Suatu penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kerusakan bangunan Sekolah Dasar di Kota Bogor terutama menyangkut frekuensi dan intensitas kerusakan bangunan, bentuk kerusakan serta faktor penyebabnya. Penentuan bangunan sekolah contoh dilakukan dengan Teknik Pengambilan Contoh Acak Berlapis Tiga Tahap (three stages stratified random sampling). Pada tahap pertama secara acak dipilih tiga Kecamatan Contoh dari enam kecamatan di Kota Bogor. Pada setiap Kecamatan Contoh kemudian dilakukan pemilihan secara acak tiga Kelurahan Contoh, selanjutnya pada setiap Kelurahan Contoh dipilih empat SD Negeri secara acak. Pada setiap sekolah contoh dilakukan pengamatan ada tidaknya kerusakan komponen bangunan dan intensitas kerusakannya. Indeks keterandalan bangunan sekolah contoh diuji dengan menggunakan analisis crosstabulation untuk mengetahui korelasi antara umur bangunan dan frekuensi pemeliharaan/perawatan terhadap indeks keterandalan bangunan sekolah.
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectschool buildingsen
dc.titleElementary School Building Damages in Bogoren
dc.titleKerusakan Bangunan Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Kota Bogor

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