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dc.contributor.advisorAdrianto, Hari Agung
dc.contributor.authorNurhasanah, Siti
dc.description.abstractNational Coordinating Agency on Surveys and Mapping (BAKOSURTANAL) is a non ministry government agency authorized to conduct governance duty in the field of surveys and mapping. BAKOSURTANAL holds the prime role in the distribution and services of maps to the public. One of BAKOSURTANAL activity is selling maps, atlas, and other products required by its stakeholders. The reports of sales revenue are not only necessary to improve services, but also can be used to know the exact amount of sales revenues in BAKOSURTANAL. The process of analyzing data of sales is still done manually by looking at the existing data of sales. This way of data processing leads to a less accurate result, and also requires significant time and efforts. Building OLAP application integrated with data warehouse is one way to analyze and to have the knowledge of sales revenues with different point of view. This research is intended to make the data analyzing on surveys and mapping’s sales products no longer done manually, so the result can be more accurate. The steps require : covering, pre data processing, designing and developing of data warehouse, continued with developing of OLAP application. Data warehouse is developed using the galaxy scheme. This research yields in forming four dimensions (Time, Data Classification, Qualification, and Scale) and the two facts (sale_sheet and sale_price). The development of data warehouse of BAKOSURTANAL’s sale products produces two data cubes, which are the sale sheet data cube and the sale price data cube. The two data cubes can be visualized quickly and accurately in three forms of graphics and charts using the OLAP Palo 2.5. The operations of OLAP conducted on the data cubes are roll-up, drill-down, dice, and slice.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectBAKOSURTANAL’s products.en
dc.subjectdata of salesen
dc.subjectdata cubeen
dc.subjectdata warehouseen
dc.titlePrototipe Data Warehouse Data Penjualan Produk BAKOSURTANALen

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