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dc.contributor.authorRachman, Rahadian Alif
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION.Agroforestry is one of community forest design which is combining forestry and agriculture sector in a solid management. Agroforestry also the name that stands for land use system and technology where solid wood plant (trees, perdu, palm-trees, bamboo, etc) planting together with agriculture crops or animals for distinctive goals. Mixed planting is one of agroforestry construction that traditionally implement by society that also can divided into homegarden and garden. Mixed orchard management that organized by society around Gunung Walat Educational Forest (HPGW) including solid wood plants, fruits plants and agriculture crops. Wood potency with minimum quantity is belief will be a leading factor towards forest sustainability in HPGW. Management system identification and income contribution of farmers from mixed orchard need to ensure as strong consideration from policy that will be taken in order to establish society empowerment around HPGW. METHOD.Research is taken place at Sukadamai Village, Kecamatan Cicantayan, Kabupaten Sukabumi, West Java on April through Mai 2009 with two different plot samplings, which is farmers (35 people) and mixed orchard (4 plots) which grouped according to spacious of mixed orchard. Data is analyzed with qualitative method (data gathering, grouping, farmer’s characteristic identification and income contribution). After that, data is grouped and presented in a tabulation of numbers and images based on gathered data information. RESULTS.According to the research result, custom is the factors for farmers to manage their mixed orchards (31 %), technique of management (6 %), economy (60 %) and ecology (3 %). Mixed orchard management that farmers accomplished are; land management (weeding and land fertilizing); seed foundation; planting; breeding (land cleaning, fertilizing and cleaning of pest/disease); cutting; and marketing. The contribution of mixed orchard is Rp. 6.933.274/year (60,6 %) with the income of solid wood plant is Rp.1.289.464/year (16,3 %). The capital problems of mixed orchard management in Sukadamai Village are economy (70 %), establishment the organization (23 %), security (6 %), and pest/disease attack (1 %). CONCLUSIONS.Organization establishment and forwarding research about strategy to improving farmer’s wood income in Sukadamai Village.en
dc.subjectGunung Walat Educational Forest (HPGW).en
dc.subjectmixed orcharden
dc.subjectIncome contributionen
dc.titleSistem Pengelolaan dan Kontribusi Kebun Campuran terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Desa Sukadamai, Kecamatan Cicantayan, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Propinsi Jawa barat.en

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