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Kajian Teknik Pemeliharaan dan Pertumbuhan Kura-kura di PT Mega Citrindo Parung - Bogor

dc.contributor.advisorMasyud, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.advisorPriyono, Agus
dc.contributor.authorTamara, Leli
dc.description.abstractTurtle has used by humans for food, medicine, education and pets. PT Mega Citrindo has used turtle for export as pets. This study aimed to assess the handling of turtle that has been carried out by PT Mega Citrindo. In addition, measure the growth rate of pig nose turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) and morphometry of the siebenrocki snake-necked turtle (Chelodina siebenrocki), parker’s snake-necked turtle (Chelodina parkeri) and reimann's snake-necked turtle (Chelodina reimanni). Data collected include data handling, growth and morphometry turtles. The types of handling data consisting of the cage, food, health, eggs and chicks, as well as utilization of the results. Data of growth include weight, length and width of the carapace pig nose turle (Carettochelys insculpta). While data of morphometric measurements taken on the carapace and plastron puck. The method used in this research is the field observations, interviews and literature. Field observations were used to obtain primary data. Interviews were conducted the officers and owners of captive breeding. While the literature study conducted on the technical aspects of breeding, growth and morphometry turtles. Then the data were analyzed by compiling the data in the form of tables and figures, so it can be concluded. Turtles can be kept in a plastic box and a permanent enclosure in accordance with the purpose of handling. This cage is cleaned every day or every other day to clean the cages of the remaining food and dirt. Type of feed given in the form of fruits and meat. Disease found on a turtle that is attacked by worms and fungi. The turtle is used have characteristics that is healthy and not disabled. The turtle packed with using cloth bags, plastic boxes and sectional. This company has been providing live animals are kept. The growth rate of pig nose turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) weight is 4,83 gram/month. The growth rate of length and width carapace are 1,2 mm/month and 1,3 mm/month. This is caused by environmental factors such as food, space and health. Siebenrocki snake-necked turtle (Chelodina siebenrocki), parker’s snake-necked turtle (Chelodina parkeri) and reimann's snake-necked turtle (Chelodina reimanni) can be distinguished by looking at the complexion of the head. Key features of this body can help in handling, breeding and utilization of results. Percentage length of the long neck turtle carapace type reimann's snake-necked turtle smaller than siebenrocki and parker’s snake-necked turtle. The male turtle have longer tail than female turtle.en
dc.titleStudy on Handling Technique and Growth of Turtles in PT Mega Citrindo Parung - Bogoren
dc.titleKajian Teknik Pemeliharaan dan Pertumbuhan Kura-kura di PT Mega Citrindo Parung - Bogor

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