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dc.contributor.advisorSutarahardja, Suwarno
dc.contributor.authorPanjaitan, Paskha H.
dc.description.abstractIn effort to gain the sustainable forest, management of forest is needed through forest management planning with accurate, rational, and in direction. For that reason is it necessary to create activity of IHMB. The purpose of this activity is to detect or measure timber standing stock periodically, also as trend monitoring sustainability of standing stock in IUPHHK areas. The availability of supporting tools in IHMB is very needed in order to accelerate the activity and decreasing an error that might be happen in measurement. One of supporting tools is tree height curve that used to estimate height of the standing tree in forest stand where measured, and at the last we can estimate the standing stock. This research conducted to arrange the tree height curve for Dipterocarpaceae species and mixture timber species in future aims can useful as supporting tools in implementation of IHMB activities in PT. Ratah Timber East Kalimantan. In this research, sample trees that carried out for Dipterocarpaceae species is 201 trees sampling with the specification 135 trees for modeling and 66 trees for validation. Meanwhile, for mixture timber species is 192 trees sampling with the specification 129 trees for modeling and 63 trees for validation. That trees sampling is chosen by purposive sampling method with the requirements of trees sampling is spread in around of IUPHHK-HA PT. Ratah Timber East Kalimantan areas. The chosen of trees sampling condition should have good growth and healthy. From the result of this research through modeling and validation method, we can get the best of tree height estimation for Dipterocarpaceae species is Tbc = 5.383D0.354 and Tt = 8.770D0.326. In other hand, for mixture timber species is Tbc = 5.754D0.322 and Tt = 8.954D0.310. From the slope uniformity significance and elevation through those equation, so it can be concluded that the relation between height of tree (Tbc and Tt) with diameter of tree from Dipterocarpaceae species and mixture timber species is similar, so both of those regression can combined as one of regression uniformity form combination. Form of that regression uniformity form combination is Tbc = 5.534D0.340 and Tt = 8.851D0.319.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectStanding Stocken
dc.subjectMixture timberen
dc.subjectTree heighten
dc.titlePenyusunan Kurva Tinggi Pohon Dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan IHMB Di IUPHHK-HA PT. Ratah Timber Kalimantan Timuren

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