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Kajian Pengelolaan Kesejahteraan Satwa dan Pengembangan Pemanfaatannya sebagai Obyek Wisata di Taman Wisata Alam Punti Kayu Palembang Sumatera Selatan

dc.contributor.advisorMasyud, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.advisorRachmawati, Eva
dc.contributor.authorGustina, Irwani
dc.description.abstractThe animals in Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park are divided into two groups; there are animals in the Punti Kayu Animals Park and wild animals in nature Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park. A comprehensive study on animals welfare management and their utilization development is important in order to get synergic relation among animals utilization development as tourism object to animals protection, animals conservation, animals welfare principals and also to managers and visitors interest. The aim of this study is to understand animals welfare management in order to get alternative strategy in developing animals-based tourism in Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park. This study was conducted in Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park, Palembang, South Sumatra over the past two months, July-August 2009. The objects of study were animals, visitors, and managers Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park. Data were collected through literature study, interviews and field observations. The data analysis consisted of animals welfare management in the Punti Kayu Animal Park, visitors perceptions to tourism management at Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park and SWOT analysis to prepare the program of tourism development. Based on the observation, there were 4 wild animals observed in Pintu Kayu Natural Recreational Park. Animals that were collected at the Punti Kayu Animal Park consist of 29 species that can be classified into 3 classes (mammals, birds, and reptiles). Animal management is focused in Punti Kayu Animal Park that can be seen from the feed, stable, and health managements. Implementation achievement of animal welfare in Punti Kayu Animal Park is categorized in the criteria of moderate with average value of 1.6. Visitors motivation coming to Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park is mostly to enjoy the natural views (52%). The intensity of arrival shows that 35% of visitors have ever come to Natural Recreational Park more than three times. The reason of revisiting the area is because they were interested to watching the animals (54.41%). Most of visitors (61%) prefer visiting animal park to other spots in whole area of Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park. Beruang madu is the most wanted animal, 27 % visitors wanted to see this animal. Based on visitors perceptions, tourism activities in Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park have been managed well with total score 11.53. Tourism objects that have been managed in Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park are pine plantations forests, fauna museum, animal park, lake, recreational park, outbound arena, swimming pool and entertainment stage. Animal-based tourism development in the Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park is focused in four objects; those are animal park, recreational park, lake and fauna museum. In those four tourism objects, at least five tourism programs can be developed.en
dc.subjectanimal welfareen
dc.subjecttourism development programsen
dc.subjectnatural recreational parken
dc.subjectanimal parken
dc.titleStudy of Animals Welfare Management and Their Utilization Development as Tourism Object in Punti Kayu Natural Recreational Park, Palembang, South Sumatraen
dc.titleKajian Pengelolaan Kesejahteraan Satwa dan Pengembangan Pemanfaatannya sebagai Obyek Wisata di Taman Wisata Alam Punti Kayu Palembang Sumatera Selatan

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