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dc.contributor.advisorSandra, Edhi
dc.contributor.authorPratama, Novan Akbar
dc.description.abstractThe increasing market demand for ornamental and rare plants and the lack of attention to the gene plasma conservation of genetic resources led to the disappearance of large quantities especially for plants that are not yet clearly established or marketing as rare plants. Conventional preservation requires energy and more cost .technique of tissue culture is an alternative to storing gene plasma in the form of plant tissue or organ in the lab, so that the gene plasma preservation can be more efficient. Given the scale of tissue culture is expected to household financial needs of the community are met and can indirectly pressing either the theft of forest plants and rare plants and also the gene plasma conservation efforts. This study aims to (1) analyze the factors that significantly influence the business decision-scale tissue culture households to remain in business seen from the characteristics of these entrepreneurs, (2) Determine factors affecting business success rate scale tissue culture households .The study was conducted in February 2009-June 2009 in Plant Tissue Culture Lab, Department of Forest Resources Conservation, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University. Data derived from several respondents. Respondents who used to know the analysis of business characteristics scale tissue culture of households consisting of entrepreneurs who have tissue culture tissue culture training household scale. The number of sampled respondents is 80 people. Decision of 80 samples using purposive sample method due to time constraints, cost and difficulty of getting the respondents are still rare due to the scale tissue culture cultivation households. The data obtained were analyzed in the form of descriptive and quantitative. Qualitative analyzed data using logistic regression analysis. The results of logistic regression analysis by including the five unknown variables are the three free variables are real or significant impact on business decision-scale tissue culture households to remain in business network culture. These three variables are the variables of business a long time, income variable and education variable, the variables that does not have real impact on the decision to continue his efforts variable amount of age and gender. Logistic regression model was formed to describe the entrepreneur's decision-scale tissue culture households to remain in business is: -12.23 + 0.0416 Gender (P / L) - 0.0027 Age (Years) + 2.9097 last Education ( Senior High School / Senior Vocational School, Diploma, Bachelor) + 1.3656 duration efforts (Year) + 2.06 Income. Testing the feasibility of the model, can be seen the value of Log Likelihood -18,087, to produce statistics for 57,933 G and the value of p-value for 0000. The p-value smaller than α = 0.1, so it can be concluded there are at least βi ≠ 0 Log Likelihood value of -18,087 for the model can be said is good. Good test model can be seen also from the value of Somers' D, Goodman-Kruskal Gamma and Kendall's Tau-a is a summary table cocordant associations and discordant value 0-1. Component values explains that getting closer to the value of one (1 value), then the model is well said. The value obtained is Somers' D 0.92, Goodman-Kruskal Gamma 0.92 and Kendall's Tau-a 0:37. Based on these summary values between 0:37 to 0.92 which approaches the value one can say that the model predictions are well earned. Capital factor is not too significant when compared with that achieved human resources 59%. In addition, marketing is also influential in the tissue culture business in business terms that reached 30%.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectpurposive sample method.en
dc.subjectPlasma cumen
dc.subjectlogistic regressionen
dc.titleAnalisis Karakteristik Pelaku Kultur Jaringan Skala Rumah Tangga Sebagai Salah Satu Upaya konservasi.en

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