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dc.contributor.advisorSundawati, Leti
dc.contributor.advisorSantosa, Gunawan
dc.contributor.authorSinaga, Mei Arista
dc.description.abstractOne of factors which could increase labor productivity is labor work satisfaction level. The labor satisfaction level could be known from their satisfaction on work condition aspect, relation with company, company regulation, and relation with other workers and with as well as higher staffs. The purposes of this research were: (1) to analyze work satisfaction level of labor at production division of PT. Ratah Timber, (2) to analyze relations between labor satisfaction aspects, and (3) to analyze labor satisfaction level based on labor characteristics such as age, education level, working period and number of family members. Research was conducted using survey method. Respondents were labors of production division at PT. Ratah Timber – a forest concession holder (IUPHHK-HA) which were chosen randomly. Number of respondent was 70 people out of 96 workers. Data was analyzed using descriptive and Rank Spearmen correlation analysis methods. Most of respondents perceived that they already felt satisfy on the company work condition, especially on work system (43%) and work comfort (60%). But there were 44% repondents who were still unsatisfied on work safety facility. Beside that, about 59% respondents felt not satisfied enough on company compensation and unsatisfied on take-home pay. Although, more than 50% respondents already felt satisfy with company regulations. Most of respondents already had good relation with their peer and higher staffs. Statistical analysis shows that there were significant correlationbetween work condition and compensation, work condition and company regulations, compensation with company regulations, company regulations with high authority relation and correlation between peer labor relations with higher staffsaspects. But, there was unsignificant correlation between work condition and peer relation, work condition with higher staffs, compensation and peer relation, compensation with higher staffsand correlation between company regulations with peer relation aspects. Based on respondent characterictics, analys results shows that the elder labors have higher satisfaction level is higher; labors with lower education level have higher satisfaction levelen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectforest companyen
dc.subjectsatisfaction levelen
dc.subjecthuman resourceen
dc.titleAnalisis Tingkat Kepuasan Tenaga Kerja pada Bagian Produksi IUPHHK-HA PT. Ratah Timber, Kalimantan Timuren

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