Combination of Zooprophylactic and Smearing of Residual Deltamethrin Insecticide on Cattle as Efforts of Malaria Vector Control
Kombinasi Zooprofilaksis dan Pembaluran Insektisida Deltametrin pada Ternak Sapi Sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Vektor Malaria.
Utilization of cattle to divert Anopheles mosquito bites from humans to animals is known as zooprophylactic. However, using animals as a protection from mosquito bites has double impacts. The presence of cattle on the one hand can be used to divert mosquitoes from humans to animals, but on the other hand can sustain the survival of the mosquitoes, because it can serve as mosquitoes blood meal source to maintain the viability of mosquitoes. The mosquitoes take blood mammals as a protein source for the reproductive development. This study aimed to measure the effect combination of zooprophylactic application with the smearing of residual deltamethrin insecticide on cattle against the rate of Anopheles mosquito biting. Location of this study was in Hanura Village of Padang Cermin Subdistrict, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province, which belong to a high malaria endemic area. The study was conducted on February to April 2012 using three cattle which were smeared by deltamethrin insecticide. Then, the cattle were placed between the resident houses and mosquito breeding places (lagoon). The observation of the insecticide residue on the cattle were measured by cone test method. The measurement of the density of Anopheles mosquitoes in human was obtained by bare leg collection method during whole night, where as the measurement of Anopheles mosquito density on cattle were done by magoon trap method. The result showed that the residue of deltamethrin insecticide on the cattle caused 95% mortality of mosquitoes were found till eight days. Placement of cattle smeared with insecticide caused the decreasing in density of Anopheles mosquito bites in human and in cattle. The decreasing of Anopheles mosquito biting rate in human were 63.52% in An. sundaicus, 80% in An. vagus, 85.71% in An. barbirostris, 82.45% in An. subpictus, 92.30% in An. aconitus and 80% in An. kochi. In addition, the decreasing of biting rate in cattle were 95.12% in An. sundaicus, 90.64% in An. vagus, 80% in An. barbirostris, 85.5% in An. subpictus, 94.34% in An. aconitus, 100% in An. kochi and 100% in An. hyrcanus group. The successful result on combination of zooprophylactic with deltrametrin on reducing the mosquitoes biting rate both in human and in cattle were being a good idea for malaria vector control. Pemanfaatan hewan ternak untuk mengalihkan gigitan nyamuk Anopheles dari manusia ke hewan dikenal dengan istilah zooprofilaksis. Tetapi zooprofilaksis mempunyai dampak ganda. Keberadaan hewan ternak di satu sisi mampu untuk mengalihkan gigitan nyamuk dari manusia ke hewan, dan di sisi lain menyediakan sumber darah untuk menjaga kelangsungan hidup nyamuk. Darah mamalia dibutuhkan nyamuk sebagai sumber protein bagi perkembangan reproduksinya Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur pengaruh aplikasi zooprofilaksis yang dikombinasikan dengan pembaluran insektisida residual deltametrin pada sapi terhadap angka gigitan nyamuk Anopheles. Lokasi penelitian ini Desa Hanura Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung yang merupakan daerah endemis malaria tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai dengan April 2012 menggunakan umpan hewan sapi yang telah dibalurkan dengan insektisida deltametrin. Selanjutnya hewan sapi di pasang antara rumah dengan tempat perindukan nyamuk (lagoon), dengan maksud sebagai penghalang supaya nyamuk Anopheles tidak mendatangi pemukiman. Pengukuran lama residu insektisida yang dibalurkan ke badan sapi dilakukan dengan metode cone test. Pengukuran kepadatan nyamuk Anopheles pada manusia diperoleh dari hasil landing collection malam hari selama 12 jam (pukul 18.00 – 06.00), sedangkan pengukuran kepadatan pada sapi dilakukan dengan menangkap nyamuk yang hinggap di dalam kelambu perangkap (magoon).
- MT - Veterinary Science [910]